[Spicy] 🌙 Penumbras x Lunar Servant 🩵

Start from the beginning

"Alright, can you take the armor off your arm? I see that it's leaking out blood like a water fountain." Lunar asked.

Penumbras silently shook his head and took his arm pads off. He carefully placed the metal on the floor. He made sure to not drop them incase he woke everyone in the castle up. Lunar saw how gnarly his injury was. A chunk of flesh was bashed with something spikey. It looked horrifyingly bad.

"Oh my god! Why would you hide that?! What even caused that?" Lunar asked shockingly.

"I got smacked with a spiked mace, nothing too bad. I was hit with worse, it's fine." Penumbras said calmly.

"Oh god, it looks infected! Were you putting mud in it or something?!" Lunar said.

Penumbras stayed silent. Lunar took a piece of cotton out of the box. She took a white bottle out and opened it. It was disinfectant alcohol. She poured a little in the swab. She nervously looked up to Penumbras and tried to reassure him.

"This is going to burn considering the size of this. It's okay if you need to yell or something. Don't worry, I won't judge you. I would never judge my bestie. Just scream into a pillow please." Lunar comforted.

Lunar put the wet cotton swab on the flesh wound. Once the hydrogen peroxide mixed with the blood it immediately burnt. It had the stinging power of an entire wasp hive. Penumbras made an effort to not make a sound. Not a single peep. He gripped a blanket next to him to contain himself. He wanted to look strong for Lunar.

"Wow, you're really brave! I know I would probably scream but, you're so strong! So brave and strong and..." Lunar sounded like she was drifting off.

Lunar immediately looked away from Penumbras and muttered something unintelligible. She quickly pulled out a needle and some stitches. She nervously began trying to put the string inside the needle hole. She got it through and began sewing the hole closed.

"...Sorry! I uh, g-got distracted. Now, let me stitch this up. Do you have any other injuries? Besides that face of yours." Lunar sarcastically asked.

"I got hit by a hammer in the chest, sorta hurts but it's getting numb." Penumbras answered calmly.

"WHAT?! Take your breastplate off right this instant! You probably broke a bone or something. Let me see." Lunar ordered.

Lunar cut the stitch string with her teeth. She let go of Penumbras arm to allow him to take his chestplate off. Penumbras complied with her commands. He slid the armor off him and revealed a battle scarred torso. Dozens of scars, cuts, muscles, burns, and a whole lot of other stuff. It made him look so tough and strong.

Lunar instantly regretted telling him to take his armor off. He was just- oh god, she couldn't believe she was seeing this. She was probably the luckiest girl in the castle to see the handsome head knights lovely muscles. His pecs, his abs, holy shit. Not even the Mistress was this lucky. She just won a jackpot.

"You going to patch me up or what? I'm waiting. You've seen me shirtless plenty of times, quit staring." Penumbras scowled.

"Huh- oh! Uhh... I-I wasn't staring. I was just searching for any deformations in the skin. It's not like you're attractive when you're shirtless or anything like that!" Lunar defended herself.

Penumbras raised an eyebrow. "Alright...? Can you please just heal it?"

"Uhh... yeah! I just need to make sure your ribs aren't shattered or anything. I'm gonna have to um, feel your chest with my hand. Please don't move around." Lunar quietly informed.

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