𝐱𝐥𝐢. eleanor

Start from the beginning

“No, we’re not going without you,” JJ argued, putting his hands on both Red’s shoulders and getting her to look at him. Although, it was hard to make eye contact when he’d almost kissed Kie the day before. “If you’re not going, I’m not going.”

“JJ, you have to go,” Red replied it was more of a demand than a request. “I promise it’s not gonna be any different if I am there than if I’m not. Just go get that cross, I’ll be waiting here when you get back, alright?” Red assured, JJ took his hands off Red and placed one arm around her shoulder.


“Alright then.” Red shrugged. Looking over at Kie. “Kie, be sneaky. Sarah, be safe. Pope, be smart. Charlemagne, Don’t do anything JJ would do. And JJ, don’t do anything I wouldn't do.” With a short peck on the lips, Red pulled away from JJ and walked back to her car.

Once the pogues were sure she was gone, JJ could finally say something. “Did Red seem… different to any of y’all?”

“Not really. Unless you count the usual lame history reference where she refers to me and Pope as Pope and Charlemagne, but that’s normal for her.” Bennie shrugged. Red had come up with that nickname during their time on the island because Pope and Bennie were practically attached by the hip. “I don’t mind though, at least I get to be emperor and be above Pope.”

“Actually, no, I have power over you because I made you emperor.”

“Wanna bet, I’ll put you into exile, bitch.”

“Fine, I’ll excommunicate you.”

“I’ll excommunicate you! I’m Emporer for the love of God!”

“You can’t excommunicate the Pope, dumbass.”

“Watch me! And you’re not Pope anymore, you’re in exile. Ha, I win.”

While Pope and Bennie continued arguing over who had power over who, Red was already on her way down to her court to help set everything up for the party.

From party hats to red solo cups, Shoupe had really thought of it all. Only a few people were helping set up the party itself, but Red was pleased to see a few familiar faces of family and close friends of both her father and her mother.

It only took a few hours for everyone there to finish decorating and preparing for the party, but soon, guests would start to arrive and greet Red with hugs and gifts. She’d known these people her entire life, but she still couldn’t help but feel out of place with these kooks and away from the pogues.

Red was surprised to see Rafe Cameron at the party and tried her best to navigate around him to avoid conversation, but she felt his eyes beaming into her from afar. She knew sooner or later that she’d need to exchange an awkward and cold hello to the family, but she wasn’t doing it now.

It seemed that Rafe too was trying his best to stay away from Red, always trying to look busy whenever she came remotely close. Red bet he only came there to spite her.

Red was also noticeably upset about JJ but played it off with a few fake smiles. That was until she needed a moment away, to which she walked off into the beach-themed shed not far out from where the party was hosted.

Resting her arms on the edges of the small table placed in front of a mirror, Red looked up at her reflection. She looked so much different than at the beginning of the summer. She’d changed so much. Instead of her well-kept, flowy blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders no more than 2 months ago, now her hair fell about two inches further, and you could see the split ends from a mile away.

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴Where stories live. Discover now