
“He called me, ‘Miss Welles’.”


“Yeah, it’s a bit far off, right?”

“Do you know anyone with the last name Welles?”

It was then that it finally clicked in Red’s mind. Why didn’t she connect the dots before? Red stopped in her tracks, facepalming as she put two and two together. “Yes. Of course, I do.” She laughed off her stupidity, beginning to walk again. “My grandpa, Martian Welles. He lives out in Charleston. I haven’t seen him in years. He’s supposed to be like… My mom’s uncle or something.”

“Hm… I wonder why Singh called you that.” Sarah questioned, slowing down as they approached the yacht.

“I don’t know. Papa’s pretty wealthy, maybe he’s just the best Singh could do.” Red shrugged it off. Maybe she’d find out more about it when she got back home, but for now, it was back to the boat.

Soon after Red and Sarah got back, and so did Pope and Cleo. Then, they put Cleo on driving duty and the rest of them headed to bed and hoped to wake up home in the OBX.

It felt so good to be back with JJ again. Red always felt so safe and secure when she was with him. Especially on hot nights at the Chateau, it felt like they were the only people that mattered.

Red woke up as soon as the sun did, and she offered to trade positions with Cleo, letting her get some sleep. 

It was only a few hours until she saw the bright town she’d called her home come into sight, the sunrise backing it up. Red planned to stop by the nearest dock where she could get off, then she’d meet back up with the pogues later in the day.

By the time they reached the dock, everyone else was already awake. “Off I go,” Red spoke nervously, preparing to get off the boat and walk down to the police station where she assumed her father would be. “Wish me luck.” She hugged Cleo tightly before turning around to kiss Pope on the cheek, give Kie and Sarah their hugs, and finally land on JJ, hugging and kissing him for a few moments.

With a few waves goodbye, Red was walking her way down the dock. It was good to be back in the OBX, and nobody was around or awake yet. The town was quiet.

Red would soon land in front of the police station, taking a deep breath before walking up the stairs and through the door. Immediately, she was met by Officer Robbins, the lady at the front desk. She was on the phone and looked at Red quickly before giving her a double take.

“Hold on, ma'am, I’ll get back to you.” Robbins set the phone down, now just staring at Red in complete shock.

Red held her finger up to her lips, signaling her to be quiet. “It’s nice to see you, Terry. I promise I’ll explain everything, is my dad in?”

Terry simply nodded, opening the door that led into where her dad’s office was. She went the way that no one else would see her instead of being greeted by all officers in the area.

Red shook her hands out as she stood in front of the door. The blinds were shut, but she knew her dad was in there. She knocked on the door lightly, but when there was no response, she gently opened the door.

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴Where stories live. Discover now