"Sorry," he grumbled. "I thought you were interested." He stood up and turned to leave. Elise shot a hand out and caught his jacket.

"I am! I am, sorry. I'm just... embarrassed. I've kissed guys before, of course, but I never... I dunno, I never enjoyed it, I guess. That was... I liked that." She let go of his jacket again and turned away, her heart squeezing in her chest. He turned to look at her again as she hid her face in her hands. Sitting down next to her again, he laughed.

"Which one of us is a few centuries old, again?"

"Shut up!" She shoved his shoulder and laughed. "I'm a child at heart!" She met his eyes again before leaning in herself and kissing him. It was short and sweet, ending with her leaning her head against his shoulder again.

"I was so worried that you were only interested in me because you were drunk."

"A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts." Letting out a little sigh, he wrapped an arm around her. "This would be a lot simpler if you were human."

"I know. I'm glad you're not a vampire though. They're insufferable." She glanced up at him before looking back at the creek. "Slightly more insufferable than you, anyways."

"You know I have the power to push you into this water, right?"

"Try it and I'm dragging you in with me."

They stayed like that for a long while, watching the clouds pass through the sky. The moon set and the sun began to rise, bathing the world in warmth. Fish darted along the creek shore, catching their last bits of food before diving lower to escape the heat of the day. Birds began to warble from the trees, singing their songs for anyone who would hear. The wind changed and brought a hot puff from the south, whispering of a looming heat wave. By the time they made it back to the dorms, the sun had risen from the horizon and it was past curfew.

"I'm gonna get in trouble if I keep hanging around with you. I'm never back in time for curfew." Elise couldn't stop herself, she stood up on her toes and pecked his lips before opening the doors. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Elise."


She was convinced this was torture. Glancing at Takuma, Elise smiled tightly, trying not to worry about the hundreds of eyes on her. Just a small party, eh? He smiled back brightly and led her up to the front of the room where a blond man with a beard waited. Elise was a little surprised to see studs in his ears. He looked strangely familiar, but she couldn't place it. Perhaps it was just the similarities between him and Takuma. Elise curtsied, her new dress brushing the ground.

"Takuma, you've brought a guest."

"Yes, this is my friend Elise Kaito. She's a new student in the night class at the academy." Elise met Asato's eyes and smiled. Don't show you're nervous. Don't show you're nervous. Be polite.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ichijo. I've heard much about you." His scowl didn't change and Elise glanced at Takuma.

"Hinati Kaito." Biting back a gasp, she met his eyes again. How does he- "I'm surprised you've come to Japan when your parents tried so hard to get you out."

How do you know my parents? "I had some friends here that I wanted to visit," she said, reaching a hand up to touch the back of her neck. His gaze seemed to freeze her in place.

Whatever Elise was expecting of Takuma's grandfather, it certainly wasn't this. He was as imposing as Kaname, and seemed just as ready to rip her head off. Every vampire seemed to regard him with amazement. His demeanor was total opposites from Takuma's. Elise wouldn't be surprised if she learned that he had never smiled in his life, meanwhile Takuma was so quick to laugh. His gaze seemed to hold a threat, whereas Takuma's was disarming. He actually reminded her of Yagari a bit.

Shed, Slain, Shattered - A Vampire Knight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now