Chapter 2

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Elise was able to hear them, of course. They were trying to be quiet, whispering and gossiping among themselves a floor beneath her, but that wouldn't stop her ears from being sensitive. Sitting in her chair, watching the time pass, she listened as they muttered.

"Who is that?" No more context was needed, everyone knew who he was talking about.

"She's from the Kaito bloodline." Elise recognized Ichijo's voice. His clear, comforting way of speaking. "She's practically a pureblood. I went and I checked the records at the senate office. The last person born to the family was over 300 years ago. A second daughter to Hatsuki and Yao Kaito. Elise has either been totally wiped from the records, or she's centuries old."

"She certainly seems powerful."

"She's terrifying. When I was talking to her I felt like I was trying to kiss the sun. Just looking at her hurts my eyes," Ichijo said, crossing his arms. "She's astonishing."

"You sound like you have a crush on her," a new voice mocked.

"Any man with eyes would," was Ichijo's quiet response.

Elise sighed and began to make her way downstairs. It was a half hour until class, she could meet the others quickly and not have to make awkward small-talk for too long. Before she had even reached the top of the stairs the voices had stopped. When she entered the living room everyone turned immediately to look at her. The dorm president wasn't there. That's a relief. I hate the way he looks at me, like he knows what I am.

She smiled faintly and lifted a hand in a wave. "I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Elise." They all stared back at her blankly. "I'm... uh... from France, so, sorry for the accent. If you can't understand me, just let me know. I've been studying Japanese for a few years now, but I haven't had anyone to practice with, so I have no idea if my accent is... understandable."

The people in the room introduced themselves. Elise tried to force all the names to stick in her head. Akatsuki, Hanabusa, Ruka, Senri, Rima, and Seiren. Of course, Ichijo was also there. They all only gave one name. Their family names, they must be. They're all noble class, certainly. I'm hilariously out of my element here.

Elise made her way to the couch and sat a few feet from Hanabusa. The eyes in the room followed her and she felt anxiety pool in her stomach. Trying to relax, she sunk herself back into the cushions. Ichijo smiled and tried to cut the tension in the atmosphere.

"I've been to France a few times with my family. Whereabouts are you from?"

"I grew up in the mountains near Murat. It's, like, north-northeast of Toulouse. I've moved around a lot since I was younger though. Spent some time in Canada and Morocco. I didn't fit in well in Morocco. A Japanese Frenchman who could read and write Arabic, but not speak it. I could've made money as a sideshow."

"What's the countryside like there?" Hanabusa asked, feigning interest.

"I wouldn't know, I lived in the capitol and never explored the country."

A ripple of fascination went through the group and once again Elise felt anxiety coil in her stomach. Vampires didn't live in human cities, not unless they were active hunters. Certainly no noble family members would live in a city. Of course, Elise didn't know that.

"Does blood taste different there?"

"Aido, you can't just ask that!"

"I don't know, I didn't bother biting anyone," was Elise's quiet reply.

Again, a ripple of surprise. She opened her mouth to explain when Kaname entered the room. It was time for class. The half hour was up, and Elise had survived. Exhaling slowly she stood up, glad to have an excuse to leave. She straightened her skirt and swept her hair behind her shoulder before following the others out the door. Ichijo walked in step with her and turned to smile.

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