CH 41 || The Quiet Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

He pulled me behind him and edged to the door.

I grasped his sleeves. "What if they're still there?"

"Then they're going to regret the day they were born very soon," Killian threatened.

But what if it was some psycho? My grip tightened. "Let's wait for the police."

The flickering lights went out. "Kel?"

He turned and hugged me to him, his strong arms warm and comforting.

I pressed my nose into his chest and inhaled. Immediately I felt better, steadier. His fingers combed through my hair in slow, calming motions as if he was trying to soothe me. I could tell from the way he angled his body that he was still watching the entrance to my apartment.

His lips grazed the crown of my head. "It'll be fine," he mumbled in my hair.

The distant sound of sirens grew louder and louder until they abruptly stopped. I tapped his arms. Killian held me for another moment before he released me somewhat reluctantly. He stayed close. So close, his warmth seeped into my back.

Flashlights cut through the darkness, illuminating the staircase as two police officers appeared. One of them recognized me immediately.

"Miss West, I had hoped not to see you again this quickly," Officer Williams greeted me.

"You know her?" The male officer asked.

"The stalker case, remember?"

Killian practically turned to stone. There was no movement. No sound from him, even his breathing was barely noticeable. Like the quiet before the storm.

Oh shit.

The lights came on again. The male officer inspected my door and then pushed it open and disappeared inside. Officer Williams checked the second staircase leading into the yard behind the complex.

I didn't dare to turn around. The worst part was that I knew he was mad, yet Killian sounded almost casual when he spoke up. "So, you lied to me."

"Didn't you say I was a bad liar?"

"You promised to call me if anything happened," he added conversationally as if we were just having a nice chat.

My back tensed. I still couldn't bring myself to look at him. He sounded a bit too unbothered—which told me he was the opposite.

I fidgeted. "I did call you though, didn't I?"


Shit, full name. Yep, he was definitely pissed.

At that moment the male officer came back. "It's clear. Somebody forced their way in, but nothing seems amiss from what I can tell. I found this though." He held up a small letter.

A sudden feeling of nausea welled up. No. This couldn't be happening. I thought this was over. Reeling, I took a step away from the letter as if the added distance helped soften the shock. Right into Killian. He wrapped his arm around the front of my shoulders, anchoring me to him.

"It's clear here as well," Officer Williams said, reappearing. "I suggest you pack up. Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

The muscles in Killian's arm tensed. "She will stay with me."

Officer Williams looked at him and back at me. "Alright. But you have to come to the station with us first. We need a statement."

I nodded.

Half an hour later, I was sitting in the same uncomfortable plastic chair as last time. Killian hovered next to me, tension sharpening his face. He hadn't said much, neither when I packed my things nor on the way here. His silence was unnerving.

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