_-*Chapter 44*-_

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Tendou POV


I awake when the world is still dark and quiet. It's unnerving, but feeling Wakatoshi hold me erases my fears in a way I wish I could do for him.

I closed my eyes, not falling asleep, instead, wishing sleep would grasp me once again; just to preserve the feeling of safety. I sighed and slipped out of Wakatoshi's arms. The cold enveloped me almost immediately. I shivered and pulled the blankets back up over his sleeping form.

My bare feet felt cold even on the carpet that made an island inside a sea of stone, but I resisted the urge to crawl back under the covers. Back under to safety. I picked up my discarded clothes from the night before and changed quickly. Folding the shirt — which I was not very good at — and leaving it on the small table beside the bed, I felt the cold, lonely feeling begin to sneak back inside my heart.

I walked over to the balcony, dread tugging at my chest. I looked back one last time, hoping that it wouldn't truly be the last time I saw him. Taking a deep breath, steeling my resolve, I climbed over the short parapet and gripped the ivy growing over the trellis.

Quickly, I ran down to the sea, which lapped lazily against the pale sand.

Just as the sun was beginning to rise, I spoke the incantation, removed the necklace, and slipped under the cold water.

Not looking back. 


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