_-*Chapter 30*-_

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Tendou POV

"Oikawa?!" I gasped in shock, not believing my eyes.

"Tendou," He breathed, enveloping me in a hug before I could speak again,
"You're okay..."

"Oikawa, I-I thought you died," I scrabbled for words, "Father said you died-"

"Of course he did," Oikawa sneered, pulling back from the hug, "The bastard wanted to cover his crime. But I'm not dead. In fact, I woke up near the middle of the night four days ago, I was disoriented and all I really remembered was when the Eels attacked me on my rounds. It's a good thing Iwaizumi was there to tell me what was happening," Oikawa glanced fondly at his husband, "otherwise I might've gone right back to Father."

I shuddered to think of what would happen had Oikawa gone to Father instead.

"Is everyone else here?" I asked curiously, glancing over Oikawa's shoulder.

"Uh, yeah, and, we do have a few new additions," Atsumu piped in, "they aren't here, because they act as spies in the castle. You might know them, they are the reason we knew you were in the dungeon. They found out about us the same day that Oikawa woke up. They practically begged to join."

"Who are they?" I asked curiously.

"Hanamaki and Matsukawa," Iwaizumi explained after Atsumu struggled to remember their names.

"No way," I gasped, "don't they work right alongside Father?"

Iwaizumi nodded, "But they hate him. In fact, they have been speaking of overthrowing him for years. Only when they got drunk, though."

I shook my head, still trying to grasp all the information they kept throwing at me.

"I think I need to lay down for a bit," I said, swooning slightly and leaning on Lev's shoulder.

"Sur-Wait, who is that?" Atsumu questioned right away.

"Lev Haiba," Lev said, shaking Atsumu's hand as Sakusa approached and stood protectively by his side.

"He's an Anglerfish," Sakusa raised an eyebrow at me.

"And you're Octalio," Lev shot back.

"Touché" Sakusa shrugged, "what are you doing so close to the surface? Don't you get sick when you're in more oxygenated water?"

"The king locked me up for simply existing and ripped me away from my mate, I was sick for weeks after I was locked up," Lev shrugged, "I simply want revenge against the son of a bitch."

"That's all the reason I need," Sakusa smiled wickedly, "Oh, and uh, Tendou, you have a guest."

Sakusa pointed lazily to a room at the far end.

"We heard a guy was looking for a red-haired mer named Tendou and we went looking for him immediately," Kageyama's voice said. I nearly forgot he existed. I watched as he helped Hinata out of the all-too-big suit of armor and ruffled his orange hair. My heart contracted in longing at the sight of two people so hopelessly in love.

"Who is it?" I asked, glancing at the door curiously.

"No idea," Oikawa shrugged, "but we have to finish setting up meetings with other kingdoms to forge alliances right now."

"He's not dangerous," Iwaizumi attempted to reassure my mind, which had already begun to overthink, "we checked him thoroughly."

I smiled weakly and swam to the door as the large group dispersed and went back to what they were doing, looking slightly rejuvenated. Hinata pulled Lev off somewhere, he seemed infatuated with the foreign-looking fish—something Kageyama did not seem so thrilled about.

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