_-*Chapter 12*-_

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Tendou POV


As I swam through the cover of darkness back to my room, the dread of returning to my cursed life hung heavy over my head.

Ugh, stupid Father. If only he hadn't been so greedy. Maybe then Mother would be alive and Oikawa would be sleeping in his own bed. Maybe then my brothers and I could have a Happily Ever After.

I scowled as I snuck in through my window yet again. At this rate, I'm using the window more than the door.

When I entered my room, I noticed immediately that Atsumu was gone. My eyes widened in fear and I rushed out of my room, but quietly, of course. My hearts pounded as I feared the worst. What if Father overheard us and decided to rid himself of Atsumu too?!

I rushed towards the infirmary, praying that I wouldn't find my younger brother's beaten and lifeless body laying there.

I burst through the doors and a sleeping Iwaizumi bolted awake.

"What's going on?!" He demanded, reaching for his sword, still blinking the sleep from his eyes.

"Is Atsumu in here?!" I asked, frantically surveying the beds.

"Er, no, why?" Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow and stood protectively over Oikawa, "Is there a problem."

"N-no," I stuttered, thinking of a lie, "I woke up and he was gone, so I feared he may have been a-attacked." I hated indirectly blaming Sakusa for hurting another brother, even though I know who truly did it. My Father.

"He's not in here," Iwaizumi replied bluntly, returning his attention back to his love, "I'll let you know if I see him."

I nodded and left the room, watching Iwaizumi lay his head on Oikawa's chest from the corner of my eye.

I decided the next place to check was the dungeons. After all, that is where Atsumu's boyfriend was being kept, if they were even together after everything.

As I neared, I heard the muttering and muffled sound of voices. I believed one of them to be Atsumu and yet I did not approach him. I hid in the same corner as I had before.

"...Meet...Found...framed...fight...Oikawa...wounded...eels," I heard Sakusa's voice in snippets. And suddenly images of Oikawa's bruised and bleeding body flashed through my head and I gasped softly. Of course. The bruises were burns. Burns from those horrid electric eels. And the cuts were from their sharp little fangs. I thought the wounds looked irregular but I was too blinded with worry to think about it.

"Omi...you...sorry..." Atsumu's voice replied, in patches, and his voice broke halfway through.

My curiosity got the best of me and I came around the corner. Sakusa noticed immediately and silenced Atsumu. He glared skeptically as Atsumu turned around hesitantly to see who it was. I don't blame either one of them, at this point, I'm not sure who any of us can trust.

"Oh, you scared me Tendou," Atsumu rose from his seated position and embraced me, "I was worried Father had arrived."

"Just me," I smiled softly and hugged him back before turning to Sakusa, "What are you talking about?"

"...He was telling me what happened," Atsumu said, hesitant.

Sakusa nodded slowly and Atsumu continued, "You were right, Tendou..."

I gritted my teeth, "Let's get Sakusa out of here then. Father might actually kill him."

Atsumu flinched but Sakusa maintained the same apathetic expression he'd been wearing since I came around the corner.

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