_-*Chapter 25*-_

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Gods of all kinds love to watch a love story unfold. It fills them with mock feelings they themselves have never experienced first-hand.

When they find two souls destined for each other, the gods will watch the story grow and bear fruit. They find that when mortals find love, the world brightens just a tad bit.

The story between the red-haired merman and the stoic prince had caught the eyes of a rather fierce yet kind god, Eros.

He found the story intriguing, it stirred the still heart of this god, and Eros couldn't help but oversee it to the end.

Now, as he watched the two unfortunate souls part ways for what would be the last time, he felt a feeling that he's only ever experienced once before, with two young men by the names of Patroclus and Achilles.

Je ne sais quoi, you might say. A feeling that is indescribable by words. But if you wanted to try, it would be such extreme anguish it rips the soul from your being. Knowing that something wonderful is supposed to happen and then it doesn't, causes the heart to scream in agony.

The feeling tormented the god so badly, he had to interfere. That night, under the guise of midnight, the ancient god slipped into the dreams of the troubled prince and whispered the words that would save not only the man the prince loved, but himself as well.

"Duo ad unum."


What is one red flag that you've come to notice immediately in people?

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