_-*Chapter 13*-_

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Tendou POV


The next two days went in a blur. My cut had healed—mers often heal quicker, which is why Oikawa's condition is so concerning—so I, unfortunately, had no more reason to wear the strip of Wakatoshi's shirt. But the "Resistance" continued on.

Atsumu spent our time figuring out a plan of action. A way to expose the plans of our Father. Along the way, we managed to inform Hinata of what was happening, and with a little bit of convincing, he got us to tell Iwaizumi.

We brought a blindfolded Iwaizumi to my secret cave to meet up with Sakusa, Atsumu, Hinata, and me.

He was furious at the sight of Sakusa—nearly attacking him if we hadn't intervened—and refused to believe it at first. But when we pointed out all the red flags we've seen so far, including the fact that Father never visited his "favorite" son in the infirmary, Iwaizumi slowly came to terms with our accusation.

Now all five of us were working together. Iwaizumi acted as our planner and backup. He swore that he would stand by our side, "for Oikawa" he claimed. Sakusa provided us with the necessary magic to help the three royal sons, Hinata, Atsumu, and me, gather information from within the castle walls. It was very dangerous, Hinata nearly got caught, well, he did. But he was caught by Kageyama—his "not-boyfriend"—which led to Kageyema joining our little group as well.

But even throughout this time, Oikawa failed to wake, despite his injuries being healed. This put a damper on all of our spirits—we loved Oikawa dearly—but we pushed on nonetheless.

Now, in the middle of the night, I get to take a break from all the worries and brain-aching troubles that plagued my life Under The Sea.

I felt the excitement turn in my stomach as I approached the surface. I was finally going to be able to see My Prince—My Ushijima—again.

My smile grew as I broke the surface and caught the familiar silhouette of Wakatoshi-Kun on the beach.

I swam fervently towards the shore, my scales gleaming in the full moon. I saw Wakatoshi turn his head as he took notice of me too.

"Wakatoshi-Kun!" I exclaimed as soon as I was in earshot.

"Tendou," Wakatoshi greeted, his deep voice resonating throughout my body, "You came."

"Of course," I giggled as I climbed onto a rock, fiddling with the necklace Sakusa had given me, "I also have a surprise."

"Oh?" Wakatoshi's eyes gleamed curiously in the moonlight.

"Mhm," I slid onto the sand and clasped the necklace around my neck, "Close your eyes."

He obliged and I whispered the words Sakusa had instructed me and suddenly felt funny.

The scales that adorned my body started to disappear and my tail split into two. I felt my neck and was shocked to discover my gills were gone as well.

I took a second to admire my new, fin-less body.

"Wakatoshi-Kun!" I called out, "You can open your eyes now!"

He blinked his eyes open and his face flushed red before he looked away, embarrassed.

"What's wrong," I twisted my fingers nervously, "Do you not like it?"

"N-no, you look beautiful, Tendou," He stuttered, red evident on his ears, "but you're naked."

I glanced down at my body, "I suppose I am," I muttered, and then louder, "Must I wear those clothes? They look so stuffy and restricting..."

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