Chapter 59 ~ 'Just Be Sure'

Start from the beginning

“I know that your family would be a mess and totally lose it’s balance but Hector’s fate has already been sealed... everyone that tempers with the evil side of the bead, must surely face it’s wrath,” she says.
And Oh My God 😫😫😫😭😭😭... It’s like fate is against them... why does almost every thing that revolves around Hector usually drag them to places like this... firstly it was Aunt Nokubonga’s house and now this place... I can see Nkosi, he doesn’t like this one bit... I mean meeting with a mermaid that is failing to tell you that she knows the solution or not... and also must stop beating around the bush.
“But if I may ask... why couldn’t you take your father’s advice through the gifted child and just sacrifice the baby girl and in that way... he was going to be saved and you wouldn’t be here... but now you have saved the child and not the mother... now imagine the life that child would have without the mother,” she says.
“We know but we didn’t want to separate a mother from his own child... we didn’t want to cause him pain and that’s because Zimkhita is a child that is meant to bring joy in our family and most importantly to the union of her parents... Hector lost a child and she was the first daughter in our family, well in this generation” he stops and let’s out a heavy sigh.
It’s as if he is trying not to relive a certain moment.

“That daughter was a sense of joy to Hector and the moment she died... we lost him and now that we have found him through Zimkhita, we were about to lose him again... and we couldn’t have that, so we had to save the smile keeper, so that we can get our mother back,” he says.
I liked the way he speaks... he speaks with a lot of authority and calmness in his deep voice.
Girls and boys get yourself a Nguni man... those people are the epitome of South African Men... just don’t go for the Dlamini KaDikana family.

“Meaning,” she asks with her small tiny voice.. as she moves in that fish tank of hers... which reminds me, sometimes Eastern Cape can be very hot, so how does she survive.
But anyways let me mind my business.
“We lost our mother, when we were young and life wasn’t easy at all for us... our father, Bab’Dlamini... created us in a way that love was never going to know the doorstep of our souls but fate was good to us and it provided a woman called Felicity but unfortunately she got sacrificed for the betterment of my father’s controlling habits... and just like hungry souls, we went back into the world and suffered not physically or financially but emotional... and after that he came along and what made it better, is that he was the chosen one and that’s why through thick and thin... he stood beside us and even became more overprotective of us... he was a young boy but he raised full grown men and yes, we didn’t listen to him sometimes but that’s what children do... they don’t listen to their parents but would they want death to be visited upon them... most especially on the one that loves you more than anything on this earth,” he says.
I am not only shocked but I am also surprised that... ever since I met Mabutho and started watching... this is this should be the second or third time he actually calls his ex-wife’s name and not only that... and secondly he talks for more than five minutes and now look at how the mermaid is looking at him... with all those black dreadlocks dancing around her head.

“Tell me... what would you give me, if I were to find a way to release the spirit of Hector, from where it’s has been sent to,” she says, leaving everyone shocked and fidgeting for words.
“I am giving myself and my brothers... all four of us... in the place of Hector Masilo Dlamini KaDikana,” he says, leaving Nkosi and Nathan even more shocked and surprised.
I mean does Mabutho hear himself or maybe it’s me... and my ears are dirty.
“Just be sure, before you give it all to me... are you sure, Mabutho of what you are saying,” she says and slowly Mabutho nods in agreement.
She even knows their names, Oh I forgot that she said that she has been waiting for them.
“And I am allowed to take anyone that I want,” she asks and once again Mabutho nods in agreement.
“Now listen... It may not be today or tomorrow, or even in the next five years but I want you to know something very important and that is that, I will take whoever that I want and in the time that I see fit... understood,” and immediately a staring contest begins amongst the three men as Nathan looks back at him.
With a questioning face.

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