Eye to Eye

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Niall pov -

Me and Harry walked to lunch with Soph and Liam our best friends. If you haven't guessed Liam and Soph fancy each other yet they haven't got the balls to admit it, they'd rather just undress eachother with their eyes... perverts.

We all got our lunch and sat on our table, all I can hear is Harry and his not so funny jokes, although sometimes he'll have us giggling, everything seemed to be quite normal except for those two guys all dressed in leather jackets and black skinny jeans that just strolled in thinking they're the shit.
One had brown slicked back hair with stubble on his face and the other guy had deep black hair styled in a quiff with brown eyes, and a very hot jawline. They looked like trouble especially the tanned guy. I quickly looked away as the tanned guy smirked at me, I hope he didn't see me looking, I blush knowing I'm not the brightest person in the world. I looked back again only to see him still looking, eyes gazing at me as if he had xray vision or some shit. I quickly cover my private parts as he giggled.

I looked over to a drooling Harry looking in the direction of the other boy, he had blue eyes like myself but his cheekbones could cut a hot dog or a bitch in half. He was average in height, like 5'7 ( he is short don't even comment saying he's not the shortest in 1d) I could hear his laugh from here, he was laughing at what the tanned guy said. I had a strange feeling they were talking about us, I shivered at the thought and carried on eating my ham and cheese sandwich.

"Nialler they were obviously talking about us, did you see that guys ass, plump and round, such a god." Harry screamed, fanboying like he's apart of some boy band who blew up after x factor ;))))

"Hazz seriously they weren't and yes his ass is nice but did you see the guy next to him, now that is a god" I squeled uncontrollably. My cheeks were a shade of pink by now, I knew nothing would go past the odd look to eachother, I'm not ugly but a guy like that would certainly not want to get with a Virgin fairy like myself.

It was time to leave as I got all my books in my bag only to be pinned against the table, I look up and fuck the horse I flew in on, the tanned guy smirked holding me tight and snug against the table checking me out like I was some sacred fish he wanted to eat. I tried moving but luck wasn't on my side today.

"What the fuck, let go you dick!" I screamed trying to puff my chest out to seem some what bigger than him.

H-he giggled. What the fuck he actually giggled and started rubbing my wrist and tracing the veins.

"I know you were checking me out sweetheart and the way you're blushing right now gives me enough proof to know that's true" he leaned in, I could feel his breath on my neck, his eyes gazed mine lustfully, until I kicked him in the balls.

He dropped to the floor, holding his man parts groaning like I killed his chance of having kids.

"W-what the fuck was that for!" He howled. I giggled at his painful expression, thanks dad for teaching me the art of ball crushing.

"I'm not a basic bitch" I then walked out smiling proudly.

Lmao I don't even know where I'm going with this wtf haha anyway hope you liked the chapter, I'll probably do a side harry pov for when he meets Louis

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