twenty - mistakes

Start from the beginning

But as fate would have it, Abby's foot catches on a hidden root, causing her to stumble and fall. In a cascade of laughter and giggles, Hazel is brought down with her, the two girls landing in a heap of joyous chaos.

Hazel, lying on her back beside Abby, chuckles softly. "Well, looks like you got me, Abby. Nice one."

Abby, her face flushed from both the chase and the fall, grins up at Hazel. "Yeah, but it was worth it. We always have so much fun together, don't we?"

Hazel nods, a genuine smile lighting up her features. "We really do, Abby. You're like the sister I've always wanted."

Abby's gaze softens, her voice filled with affection. "And you're the best friend I could ever ask for, Hazel. No matter what happens."

They lay there for a moment, the peacefulness of the forest enveloping them. The bond between them solidifies, unbreakable in that innocent moment of shared joy and trust.

Little did they know that years later, their paths would diverge, leading them down separate roads fraught with pain and heartache. But for now, in this fleeting moment, they revel in the warmth of their friendship, unaware of the challenges they would eventually face.

As Hazel and Abby gather themselves, a sense of peace washes over them. They sit side by side, their backs against a large tree trunk, as they catch their breath and allow their laughter to subside.

Hazel brushes a stray strand of hair behind her ear and gazes at Abby with a thoughtful expression. "You know, Abby, we've been through so much together. We've always had each other's backs, haven't we?"

Abby nods, her eyes filled with a mix of fondness and sadness. "Yeah, we have."

Hazel's voice softens, her words carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Abs, I want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. You're like family to me. You are family."

Abby's gaze meets Hazel's, and she reaches out to grasp her friend's hand. "I feel the same way, Hazel. We're in this together, no matter what life throws at us."

Their connection, forged in countless shared memories and moments like this one, fills the air with a comforting warmth. In that fleeting moment, they both know that their bond is unbreakable.

Hazel's eyes shine with determination. "Abs, promise me something. Promise me that if anything ever comes between us, we'll find a way to work it out, to talk and understand each other."

Abby's grip tightens on Hazel's hand, her voice sincere. "I promise, Haze. We'll never let anything or anyone tear us apart. We'll always find a way back to each other."

As they rise to their feet, the forest seems to breathe with a renewed energy. Hazel and Abby share a knowing look, a silent agreement to carry this promise in their hearts, even as time takes them down different paths.

With newfound determination, Hazel and Abby resume their adventure through the forest, hand in hand. They leave behind the spot where they fell, their laughter echoing through the trees, as they continue their silly little children's games together

- five days since leaving jackson

Exhausted and in need of respite, Hazel guides Sunny into the old building that once served as a café. The place carries remnants of a forgotten era, its walls weathered and worn. She secures Sunny inside, ensuring the horse's safety before turning her attention to the task at hand.

The air inside the building is stale, and a layer of dust coats every surface. Hazel begins her search, cautiously examining each corner, her senses heightened. As she explores further, she stumbles upon a lone infected runner. With a grim determination, she engages in a desperate struggle, the sound of their struggle echoing through the abandoned café.

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