First Day As A Manager

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After they had a tour of the place, she asked her brother,"Oppa, where do you live?"

" I don't live here. Mine is down to yours."

" Oh the floor lower to mine?"

" Ya, that's mine. Would you like to have a tour?"

" Later maybe, tell me the code."

" Hmm ya sure it's the same as yours."

" You set your passcode as my bday?"

" I sure did and I almost forgot to tell you. Aunt Zhou will be coming here everyday to cook and clean for you."

" Aunt Zhou? Why do I need someone to cook and clean for me? I can do it myself."

Her brother laughed and said," Ya you can do it for a day or two. You will be way too tired to do anything after working. So mumma told me to find someone to help you. Don't worry she has been helping me out a lot when I was here. She's good, especially her food. You'll like it."

After hearing her brother she just nodded and asked," Where is my working place?"

" Oh ya, let's go to your workplace and have a tour. I will call Si-hyuk hyung and ask if he's free." And Airi nodded. Feeling a bit excited and nervous. After having a chat with Uncle Bang, they went down and sat in their car. As Minho started the engine he said, "Choose the model you want. I'll have it delivered here tomorrow and also Daniel will be here as your guard and driver and Ami will help you with your work, you know you have to keep in check the business here as well right?"

Airi nodded saying," I know that very well. As for the car, there are many at the farmhouse you can choose one for me. I've met Daniel and Ami before, right?"

" Daniel, hmm. Well Ami just joined and is well versed in technology and work. She'll be good, tbh better than Anna."

" How can you say that about my assistant?"

" Well you practically had to tell her a single thing thrice to get it done. It was more like you were her assistant."

Airi frowned and said," Was she that bad?"

Minho nodded and said," They will take good care of you. Daniel is good as well. You can ask for their help if anything pops up."

" You were about to tell me something about this Daniel guy, what was it?" she casually asked but saw Minho tense up and said, "Something I shouldn't know?"

He shook his head and said, " Can't hide it forever can I? You know we run a law firm here?" Airi nodded as he continued," We also have some clients from you know the dark world."

" Mafia!!" She squealed and her brother glanced at her as he nodded and said," Why do you seem so excited?"

" Dude why were you even cautious? Worried I'll be scared?" She said and saw her brother nodding and she said," I saw Vincenzo, not everyone is bad in there. Can you tell me the group?"

" You mean the gang's name?" Asked her brother. He was stunned at her behavior, she had grown up to a great extent compared to the last time he met her, she didn't liked the M word at all.
" Ya tell me the name by which it goes."

" It's The Blacks."

" You mean Liam and Killen?"

" How do you know them?" Her brother was beyond shocked and was even more shocked as he heard her laughing and said," Father told me I've even met Juliet, Liam's wife. Back in the States, he would sometimes ask me for advice. He's so good they treat me so well. He calls me his sister."

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