A Damned Sign!!

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So ya Hi guys, I'm not very experienced as a writer also English is not my first language so if u find any grammatical error u can choose to ignore them or ya even can comment to inform me, I'll try my best to improve. Please do give your sweet and kind support to my work. I'll try my best to be regular at updating and will try my best to end it. So ya Moa's please gimme some support and suggestions as well. Now enough with my blabbering let's start the chapter.
"Why did you sign the document without reading it Airi?" asked her father looking at her with a disappointed look that broke the little girl's heart.

" Dadda, I just....." She tailed off and her father sighed and said," Dear, you know that i don't want to scold you or make u feel bad. But you should know what you have done and the consequences our business will be facing due to it." he said as he got up and went to the roof to the top glass window that adored his cabin.

Airi just stayed silent, as her eyes watered up and tears threatened to fall at any moment and she heard her father speak again," Airi, can you tell me exactly why you signed the document? You have studied both law and business and according to what I think I know both teach you that you should look at a document before signing it. Why did you just sign it off without looking at the content?"

" Well, dad it was Mr. Evan. He came up to me while I was reading and said that it's a very important document that needs to be signed so that work could proceed. I told him to get it signed from you but he said that you are very busy at the movement and...." she spoke very slowly and timidly. She couldn't even lift her eyes to look at her father's cause she was afraid to find them looking at her disapprovingly.

Her father sighed and said," Whether Evan or who so ever, Airi. You should know the power your single stroke of pen holds. Something needs to be done. If I just let it slide you won't get a lesson. Airi, so you think you can face the consequences of what you have done?"

Airi just folded and twisted her fingers with such strength that her fingers were hurting very badly.

" Answer me baby? Can you bear the consequences?"

Airi shook her head as she said," I don't think I will be able to handle the business matters dad. I don't know.... Like I don't know how to or what to do." she said all these timidly and her father who was still looking at the sunset landscape of the States looked at her and sighed as he looked at his daughter and approached her with little steps. He stood in front of her and said," Princess, look at me."
Airi slowly lifted her eyes to look at her father's. They weren't holding any disappointment at the movement which made her feel a little bit relieved.

Then her father said again," Airi, you know that we've given you everything you need and have loved you to a great extent. But you are already 18 and soon will be handling the whole Yang enterprise. You need to prepare yourself for that. I understand that you don't have a real field experience. Don't worry, your appa will provide you that. As for this case I'll handle it myself don't burden yourself anymore and don't cry. I don't like tears in your eyes." He said hugging Airi, who couldn't hold her tears back anymore and started sobbing as he continued," I'll make some preparations for you to get some experience. I'll think about what i need to do. For now stop crying and go home. Take a rest. I'll be back later on. I need to handle the matters at hand. Okay?"

And Airi just nodded as her father comforted her. After a while she was on her way back home. She doesn't remember how she actually went down the elevator or how she ended up in her car, she was just thinking about what had just happened how can she who is known for her intelligent be so dumb. As the car sped along the city traffic she looked at the sunset and her mind drifted to this morning.

Airi woke up early as usual and went out for a jog and as she was going back to her room she saw her mother helping the maids with breakfast and she smiled looking at the two women. Her mother saw her and came over with a glass filled of juice and said, "My dear daughter, what do you wanna eat for breakfast?"

" Anything will do mumma. For now a hug." she said moving towards her mum and her mother hugged her back and said," Someone's being clingy, what's the matter?"

" Nothing much. I miss Oppa." She said backing off and pouting a bit.

Her mother laughed and said,"Wahh!! Really? Aren't you just worried about starting at office?"

" Well, it's not a lie that I'm worried about that. Only if Minho Oppa didn't opt acting as a career I wouldn't have to worry about taking over the company." Airi said sitting on the chair as she started sipping her juice.

" Hm... Well you had your choice as well darling. No one told you to take over as president, you could just help your father like your brother does. You know, the acting, singing and dance lessons you had were in vain. Not to mention your deadly looks. You could kill people with your looks, babe. Why don't you just follow your brother's footsteps? It will be wonderful to have my daughter as an actor as well." she said giggling.

" And be an actor? Mama it's too difficult." She said as she got up to go to her room.

" Ya ya it sure is. Take a bath and come for breakfast. You can be an idol as well." said her mother as she looked at Airi's figure.

" Why does she have to look so good? Aghh!! My dear daughter takes after me. Ohh!! Pretty. It's good she ain't interested in entertainment field. I can at least see her everyday.  Unlike my dear son who doesn't even have free time to call me once a day." she sighed muttering to herself.

As for Airi, she quickly took a shower and dressed up in clean clothes, which were a white dress and a cheery colored blazer that adorned the dress's beauty. She picked up a pair of white sneakers, her backpack and her mobile and she went downstairs to find her parents already waiting for her. She looked at them and smiled as she came down hopping on the stairs. They had breakfast and she accompanied her father to their company's headquarters. 

Airi had her own office ever since she was in middle school, she could choose to study at home or at the headquarters. She had been to middle school after which she had been tutored at home. Because according to her parents she was already a few steps ahead than the kids of her age. That being the reason she had already completed her high school at the age of 15 and had double degrees in Law and business management at the age of 18.(Seems surreal right? But it's interesting.)
She had nothing much to do as it was her first official day of working, her father just told her to look at some files and data. She had finished looking at the data, so she took out a book out of her bag and started reading. It was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. She was very much engaged in the book when Mr. Evan, her father's secretary came in with an document asked her to sign it. She was too much engaged in the book so after a few questions, she just signed it trusting the man who had seen her grow up. Little did she know that she had signed an agreement which will lead to severe financial looses to Yang group.
Airi signed as she remembered all that had happened and said," What did I do to deserve it?"
" You forgot the rules of the business world sis. Which is never trust anyone.' her inner self told her and she told her inner self to shut up as she just started out of the window and her thoughts started tailing off.

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