Prologue: Shadows Follow

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:Shino's pov:
I start to get ready quietly in my room. Everyone else in the dorm is sleeping and I don't want to disturb them.
I grab my mask off of my desk, and I rush to the door of my room. I quickly go upstairs as quietly as I can so as to not disturb anyone. I look at the other set of stairs that lead up to Artemis's room, I stare up there for a while just thinking about me and him. I shake the thoughts out of my head, and head over to the door. I started speed walking, almost running, to where me, Blake, Jack, and Yuki were going to meet before we go to the facility to stop Kol and everyone else. They were planning on blowing up the facility full of people, and I can't just stand by and watch that happen. So, I had made a plan to ambush them, I had told my little team about L.O.V.E, WonderWall dying, about how I was a vigilante, etc.
Soon enough, I'm at our little area, almost just outside of the facility. I see everyone else whispering to each other about what's about to happen. I slowly walk up to everyone quietly, they turn their heads to see me and they stop talking.
"You guys ready?" I whisper
"Eeeeehhhh" Jack complains, which is honestly fair, he wasn't too certain if he wanted to do this plan, but because of Blake's little speech, he made up his mind to do it.
"I'm not going to show mercy to Kol. I hope you know that." Blake whispers.
"We know!" We say in unison.
"We should get a move on though guys, whether you're ready or not, we gotta get everything handled." I say motioning my hand towards the facility.
We all start to silently, but quickly move over to the building. We all split off into different directions, I take the entrance that has the camera so the others can go unnoticed, or at least just have one less thing behind their backs. Once I get in, I start to try and find my way to where Kol would be. And as I'm doing that, I feel as though I'm being followed, it may just be me being paranoid, but I can't shake the feeling off. It feels like my shadow is following me.

Word Count: 397

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