24- Memories

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We were now waiting for Dad to finish with the paperwork since he'd been the one to bring me to the hospital. I recalled what Tony said and saw now as a good time to ask him about it.

"Yeah," he said with his eyes still on the basketball game that had just finished. I remembered our first memory of watching a game together. We'd been talking about Mom when a game started. It was a wordless agreement and ever since then, he replaced Mom by my side for basketball games.

"When you saw me in the woods, you said something about our house burning down. What did you mean?"

He sighed before turning down the volume and shifting in his seat to face me.

"I knew you'd ask me to explain. Well, that moment made me realize I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't ever around. It made me remember when someone said there was a fire and everyone started rushing out back then. In no time, the fire became worse. It was only when I was outside that I remembered you told me you weren't feeling well and that you were in your room."

That was what I had told him, well technically, that was my alias for not being present at the party, but he was the only one who truly knew where I was. So why was he worried?

"Then your boyfriend at the time ran in to find you and well..." he paused and I watched with bated breath. He hadn't given up the habit of starting at his hands when he was trying not to talk about something.

"I don't want to remind you of this, but..." he sounded wary like he didn't want to tell me.

"But what?" I prodded.

"Well, he went in, but it was Dad who came out with you. He found you lying on the floor in your room. No one saw your boyfriend, even when the firemen searched after they put out the fire," he said.

"So, you're saying Kai just... disappeared?" I stated more to myself.

"I think they closed the case, but we couldn't follow much on it since you were in the hospital for a while and we had to relocate, too."

I sat back on the bed, trying to understand all he had said. I know Kai went through the portal in Tony's room. Was that the reason he disappeared?

If that was the case, he wouldn't-he couldn't be gone forever. There has to be a way to get him back. If he got lost in that third chance, then maybe if-

"This is exactly why I didn't want to remind you. You always say you don't remember much about it and when you ask, you're always thinking so much after. I know I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm so-"

"Hey, no need to apologize. I'm fine."

I went quiet for a while but could only hold myself back for so long before I asked again, "Did we find out the reason for the fire?"

"No, not that I can remember. But we assumed it was something in the kitchen since that was where the fire started."

"And Aunt Vera? She was there too, right?"

"Yeah, she got out safe, but after we moved to New York, I think she also moved away. You remember Dad said she moved to Colorado, right? Then she stopped talking to us. Though last time I heard Dad and Jane talking about her, they said she went to therapy or so."

"Therapy? Why?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"But that's in the past. I'm glad you're okay now and we can finally leave here," he said with a smile and I know he couldn't tell I forced mine.

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