A shiver came up my spine when he slid his hand up my back. I tried to hid it, but Zayn had already spotted it.

"You're cold ?" He asked me, holding me tighter.

I just nodded, I didn't wanted to tell him that it was his effect on me that caused the shiver. He unwrapped my arms from around him and took a step back. Only to put his sweatshirt over his head before handing it to me.

"Take it." I smiled and did as he said, not complaining at all. I liked the fact that he didn't even think about it, even though we both knew how his arms look like. I was proud of him for this, too. Oh fucking God, that wasn't like me at all. Maybe that's why it felt so good. Having his scent all over me and being lost because it was way fucking too huge for me.

While I was putting the clothe on, Zayn made its way back to the couch and he was looking at me. I smiled shyly, almost feeling blood coming to my cheeks. Then I walked up to him and laid on top of him. My cheek on his chest, his arms around my small body. He was breathing deeply, his hands were slightly playing his my hair. I wasn't complaining at all, it felt so good. My eyes slowly closed, I drifted to sleep without even realizing it.


I felt the sunlight coming through my eyelids and I closed them a bit more. I felt legs intertwined with mine and arms around my back. And I remembered where I was. A smile made its way up to my lips as I looked up to see that he was awake too.

"'morning..." I whispered, not fully awake. I buried my face on his t-shirt, taking his sent in my nostrils. God, this guy smells like heaven on Earth.

"Morning..." He answered and I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of his t-shirt before getting up. I passed the sweater over my head and gave it back to him. I already hated the cold the clothe left on me.

"Thank you." I simply said and smiled.

He put the sweater back on and I could see that he was glad his arms were back under something. That was understandable, really. "When are you leaving ?"

"In the afternoon." I answered. Louis was alright with driving me around the country, but he still needed some fuck time with Hannah. Understandable. "We can go for a walk, until then ?"

He nodded at my proposition and got up. I smiled to him. Something had changed during the night. Maybe because we only slept together, in each others arms. No sex, nothing. Just the other's company. It made me fall even more.

When we got out of the room, my eyes fell on Dr. Jefferson, sitting on a chair next to the door, a book between his hands. I said it before, I'll say it again : This guy is weird. But a good kind of weird.

"You had a great time ?" He asked us and I smiled while Zayn nodded. He smiled back at me, before going into his office. He had been nice for letting us stay the night there, I knew it wasn't something he was supposed to do. That man was a good man.

We've walked around the building for a long time. Well, for all the time I had left. I was talking, Zayn wasn't but I knew he was listening carefully. I talked, and talked, and talked. Something else that wasn't like me. But I felt it as soon as we stepped out of Dr. Jefferson's office. He wasn't at ease at all between those walls. So I was just trying to make him forget where he was. I told him about lots of stuff. Mostly about Louis, because... Let's face it, my life is divided in two : Part one is Zayn. Part two is Louis. At some points of the "Incredible adventures of Alexis Dubois" I found him smiling and looking at me with sparkles in his eyes. I liked that.

I only had a few minutes left. I knew it, I felt my phone buzzing in my back pocket. Louis was probably already in the parking. The only time I had left with Zayn was the small walk up to the front door. I was babbling about something Louis did last week when I saw him. A smile cracked my face.

"Liam ?" I loudly called and he turned to face us. Yeah, that really was him. He smiled and made its way toward us. By the look on his face, I knew he figured why I needed his uncle's number so badly. I thanked him with a small nod.

"What are you doing here Al ?" He asked, he really wanted me to say the words. I tried not to laugh, because he wasn't subtle at all.

"Meeting that awesome guy" I answered and grabbed his hand. I don't know why I did this, I just wanted to.

"Oh, you two are together ?" Liam was staring at me, laugh hanging in his eyes. I almost wanted to slap him. Playfully, I need to say. Or not. His glance left mine and he looked at Zayn. They had some kind of weird connection that I knew I would never be able to understand.

"Us ? Never going to happen !" I said, trying to sound joyful about it. I knew it would never happen, because Zayn needed someone stronger than me. He deserves someone better. It hurt to say those words. I may should become an actress, because none of the boys seemed to realize it. "He's a good friend of mine. It was nice seeing you Liam, but I need to go... My Mom's there."

Yeah, well... I don't know why the lie came to my lips like this. I don't know why I didn't tell them that Louis was picking me up. I don't know, maybe I just wanted to seem normal. To seem like I have a nice cute perfect family who's here for each others. I just don't fucking know.

Liam made a step towards me and hugged me gently before going away while waving good bye. I need to say, it was good to see him again. He was probably the only person I miss sometimes from this shitty place.

I then turned to Zayn. I threw my arms around his neck and held him pretty tight. I didn't wanted to leave him, the pain in my chest was almost gone when I was with him. He was even better than cocaine. His arms around my waist felt so right, I closed my eyes to feel them more.

When I finally stepped away, a piece of my heart felt on the floor. I resisted the part of me who just wanted to kiss him with all my being and I just walked away. I was almost at the door when I turned to look at him over my shoulder.

"Keep fighting Zayn. It's worth it."


Long chapter, who's happy ? ME !!! ^^

The Other Side // Z.M.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora