The Awakening

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When I awoke fully gaining consciousness I was able to look around feeling scared of where I was due to not knowing of anything that was occurring and eventually as I peered over to my right I see that my room was practically like a bedroom, which then I came across seeing my mother on the couch that's been made into a bed and knowing she hasn't left my side since day one besides the time when I did have my heart attack and to this day I jokingly say to her "you did leave me when I almost died" as we now laugh about it but other then that she was always by me 24/7 and didn't even leave to go to work. Thankfully due to that, our cousin made a gofundme page to help my mother out finically as they knew her heartache and depression causing her to do nothing but stay in the hospital with me, my cousins then also had people come in daily to watch her in case of any suicidal thoughts she had as it was quite an emotional, difficult and devastating time for her to see her only child that she adopted laying lifeless in a bed hooked up to multiple machines. Overall, she then approached me in what seemed to be happy tears grabbing ahold of my weightless hand telling me that "everything is alright, there's nothing to be afraid of" while with her other hand stroking my head to ease all.

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