Miserable To Happy

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Lloyd's povs

I held Skylor as I watched the building that the love of my life was on, slowly going down. Tears rolled down my cheek, but I wiped them before Nya or Dearth could see them."Rumi. Why did you choose this path?"I asked in a whisper. She was the only person who made my heart feel full. She made me smile in the dark times. She understood my parents and how I lost them when I was young. Even if that was all part of an act in order to gain her revenge. But....a part of me wondered maybe, just maybe that wasn't all an act. Maybe deep deep deep down in her heart, she....loved me, like I loved her. But even if that was true, I would never hear it from her. Because....Harumi is dead. Just thinking about that made me feel like my heart got ripped out from my body.

Harumi's povs

This is it. This is the end of my story. People say that an ending is only a new beginning. Well, where is my new beginning? Not that I deserve one. Not that I deserve a second chance. Not like I deserve......Lloyd. I wish that I had to say I was sorry to him. To tell him that I loved him till dawn to dusk. And that I forgave him. But I can't. Because I am going to meet my fate. I felt the tears flow off my face. I hated this feeling. I hated feeling regret. I hated crying. Crying showed a sign of weakness. I hate feeling weak. I would soon feel that feeling. I stared at Lloyd before falling to my death. This was the last time I would get to see his face. Goodbye world. Goodbye Lloyd. I love you.

A week later......

Lloyd's povs

It's been a month since my father's defeat. It's been a month since...Harumi died. And it's been two days since my father ran away from Ninjago. Sigh. I miss Harumi. I miss her smile. I miss her beautiful face, the face that would seem to glow when she entered the room. I would do anything to see her live. I would give her my life in order for her to breathe. To live. I groaned. Sunlight peeked through my window. How can the weather be so bright when all I feel is miserable? There was a knock on my door."Lloyd? Are you all right?"Asked Kai."Fine!"I called back. I got out of bed, I was up an hour ago, but all I felt was to sleep a thousand years. I looked at myself in the mirror."Pull yourself together. She is gone. You have to move on!"I ordered myself. But the truth was....I didn't want to move on. I NEVER wanted to move on. When Harumi came into my life, I thought I would smile forever. Even when she was evil, I felt like smiling. But I acted like she was the last person I wanted to see. Or at least tried to. I then put on a fake smile and headed outside of my room.

I decided to train to keep my mind off Rumi."Hey Nya? I was about to go train. Want to join?"I asked."Sure! I am bored anyway."She said."Great!"I said. When we got out to the training court, I threw Nya her weapon. I grabbed my sword. We did a few basic attacks, we then decided not to use our powers and work on our sword attacks. Nya charged at me, I blocked her. I charged at her back, as she did me. Nya fell to the ground. She seemed to be hurt. I put away my sword to check if she was okay. When I was close to her, she yelled:"SIKE!" She then picked up her sword and attacked me."CHEATER!"I yelled when I got up from the ground. She laughed."Never trust me during training."She said."She's right! We were training once and pulled the same trick on me!"Joked Jay. I forced a smile.

 Nya walked over to Jay and gave him a kiss. Jay smiled even wider. I wish I could feel the way Jay felt when Nya kissed him. I did feel the way he did, once. In prime's evil eye. When Rumi kissed me on the cheek. It felt amazing. Like seeing all the Ninjago people happily cheering, only better. I missed that feeling. Even if Harumi only did that I wouldn't find out about her plan."Lloyd? Where are you going?"Asked Nya as I was heading out."I am going to the city to get some fresh air."I said. Jay and Nya looked at each other, then nodded. I then ran out of the monastary and hopped onto my bike. I rode off into the city.

I let my hair go wild in the wind as I rode past cars. I close my eyes. Remembering the memory of me and Rumi's first night alone. I don't know why I thought of it, but I did. Tears flow off my face as the memory begins to replay in my mind. Just then, a bike bumped into me, which made me fall off my bike, and onto the sidewalk. I groaned. Stupid biker. But it was my fault too. I made myself think of.....her. I started to stand up. I looked around, trying to find my bike. I then noticed that I was at the rumble where Rumi had died."Why? Why do you hate me?"I whispered. I didn't know if I was talking to the FSM or fate or even the people in the cloud kingdom. 

I then saw something in the rumble."Huh?"I asked. I started to search the rumble."No, I must be dreaming."I said. It was her. Rumi. She was there. I checked her pulse. Not dead. But how? It had been a month and surely someone...a normal person would had died before an hour had passed. Harumi was......alive. I didn't have time to be happy. If I didn't get her some help, then she would die. I quickly called 911. Help arrived very quickly. They pulled her in, and rushed her to the hospital. I tagged along. I held her hand, and said:"Thank you, grandfather. Thank you." Tears started to roll down my face. But this time, they were happy tears.

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