C-8:Hollers of Failure

Start from the beginning

It seems this girl had gone crazy. Those jitters and those violent expressions as if every expression showed a deathly form of hunger, a hunger far worse than losing a meal. Her eyes showed irrationality and those sunken cheekbones were visible along with her cat-like topaz eyes. Bloodlust with extreme starvation, was what created this villain.

Upon witnessing the body earlier, I observed the jagged and imprecise nature of the cuts, which led me to question the girl's sobriety. Typically, when one is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances such as drugs, their cuts follow a zigzag or curved path. However, this was not the case with the victim's wounds, which were shallow but plentiful.

Further examination revealed that only a small portion of the 84 stab wounds actually hit vital spots, with only 13 of them being precise enough to meet their intended target. This pattern suggested that the perpetrator was struggling internally and missing the mark by mere inches, perhaps due to an internal conflict or moral struggle.

For instance, one wound was found only 2 inches away from the jugular vein, with the depth just above the artery. Another wound was positioned just above and 1.5 inches away from the abdominal artery. Based on these findings, it could be hypothesized that her moral or human system was attempting to halt her from committing such heinous acts.In short, it is clear that the victim's injuries were not the result of a calculated and methodical killer, but rather a perpetrator who was conflicted or struggling with their actions.

But each time, she had the taste of a bit of blood, her desire increased. It's similar to a person's reaction to having a bit of water in a desert. The taste of blood on her lips triggered an insatiable thirst that consumed her every thought. Her rational mind fought to suppress the primal urge, but it was a losing battle.

With each passing moment, the hunger grew stronger, and the desire for more blood became an unquenchable thirst. The stabs became precise and deliberate with every passing moment, each one puncturing flesh and organs with chilling accuracy. As she drew closer to the vital organs, the struggle within her intensified, but the hunger was too powerful. It drove her to push past any lingering doubts, any sense of mercy or restraint.

The stabs increased and kept getting closer and closer first 5.3 inches... The man's cries of pain only fueled her desire, spurring her to strike with even greater ferocity...then... 5 inches.... The sound of flesh tearing and bones cracking was music to her ears, a symphony of gore that filled her with a perverse sense of satisfaction leading to...just 0.5 inches away from a vital organ. She was no longer in control of her own body, a slave to her darkest impulses and immense desire for survival. And when the final, fatal blow struck, it was as if a switch had been flipped, extinguishing the last flicker of humanity within her yet the reason she landed the first hit was, self-preservation yet it ended in perversion for blood.

Every life she took, it took her humanity with it, leaving only hunger.

As I thought of this, Velocity, took his final breath in the beautiful street of Musutafa and the beautiful country with the 8th highest graduation rate and...

2nd highest death rate of heroes

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