There were three in total, wearing mismatched rags and other pieces of clothing. They looked like bandits and they acted as such, throwing the black Thrask to the ground while the others ran into the wooden house.

"My oh my! It seems out trip will be purchased with the blood of the deserving." Said Dietrich. He leaned over, scratching the stallions neck.

"I need to name you. Something fast. Something reminiscent of our power." Mused Dietrich. The man put a hand to to his chin and rubbed it, thinking to himself.

"I shall name you Stuka. Just like their sirens, the sound of your hooves will let everyone know that death is running amok." Said Dietrich. His horse, now named Stuka, stamped a singular hoof in apparent approval. Dietrich took his goggles off of his helmet and put them on.

"Now..." Said Dietrich, unsheathing his sword. "Let us ride and test this blade, Stuka." He took the reins in one hand and whipped them, shouting out with a cry.

Stuka bucked into the air with a wild call and took off faster than he had done before. Dietrich raised his sword on high, letting the sun hit the blade.

"Element of surprise be damned...This is fun!" Thought Dietrich. As the horse got closer and closer to the bandits, he felt a vicarious grin downing upon his face, his mouth opening with pure excitement.

He was getting closer and closer, the pounding of the hooves drowning every other sound out. Stuka began to pant hard as the charge continued.

By the time they were able to both see and understand that whatever it was that was approaching them was hostile, it was too late for the bandits.

Dietrich brought the sword down and swung it hard, letting the momentum of the swing which would be aided by the speed of the horse, cleave entirely through the first Thrask at their bicep level.

As he overshot the group, he slowed Stuka down and turned around, twirling his crimson stained blade in the air.

One of the bandits was already trying to run away and Dietrich focused on the other, who was attempting to unsheathe his sword. The man whipped the reins and Stuka took off, barreling towards the bandit.

Before his sword could get unsheathed, the bandit found himself trampled under the hooves of the stallion, and stamped into the ground.

When Dietrich was satisfied with the death of the second bandit, he relocated the third and took off after him, ensuring that they wouldn't get far.

"Oh! The terror! The horse is the best weapon in the land!" Thought Dietrich, excitedly. Stuka did not waste any time in catching up to the bandit and Dietrich was grateful for his steed.

"Don't run now, ha ha! You'll only die tired!" Shouted Dietrich.

With a slash of the blade, the third bandit fell without a head. Dietrich slowed Stuka and patted the horses neck.

"Good job, noble steed! You are doing an amazing job!" He encouraged. The horse huffed and Dietrich began a slow gallop back towards the Thrask homestead. The occupants of the house seemed to peer out at him from the windows as he approached.

Was was certain that his appearance did not bode well for their feelings, seeing a gangly creature riding an impressively large and fast mount with a now bloodstained sword that had carved right through two Thrask with no issue.

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