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due to the change in plot, this story is going to have 12 chapters only! the last chapter will be updated next week.


Seonghwa doesn’t hate Hongjoong. There’s no reason to do so, and he is quite sure the other doesn’t think otherwise as well. At least, he hopes so. There’s a big possibility-or so Seonghwa assumes- that Hongjoong doesn’t want to be friends with him. Not yet.

The way Hongjoong is reluctant around Seonghwa, his gaze lingering not too long, always pointing out errors in whatever Seonghwa does, it just doesn’t match. It just does not feel right to Seonghwa. However, Hongjoong has opened up a bit when he showed emotions by hugging Yunho or in the morning when he kicked Seonghwa out of bed.

Even though his face was contorted into a panic sneer palpably, he sort of played along when Seonghwa acted as if he was angry. When Seonghwa is supposed to be focusing on his mission, all he can think about is the thoughts of Hongjoong haphazardly smeared all over him.

Well, all he can think of is the glow on Hongjoong’s face when he saw that Yunho guy. The surprised eyes, his famous tyrant’s look long forgotten and was replaced with one of ecstasy. One Seonghwa had never seen on Hongjoong. 

Seonghwa tried to avert his gaze to the street when Hongjoong was easily lifted off the ground to be welcomed in that Yunho guy’s embrace. Wow, since when was Hongjoong so open about it? Since when would he go and hug strangers-

“Oh Yunho! It’s really you. How long has it been? Seven years?” 

Really confident with someone he has met after seven years? 

Seonghwa didn’t mean his musing to become one of a bellicostic guy who is so possessive of his lover to never let them go. He didn't mean to, at least. Not when Yunho placed Hongjoong down carefully, as if he was Cinderella's glass shoes, or even better, Cinderella herself. 

But Hongjoong was too hard to resist, with his tiny body and his belligerent aura. Although Seonghwa was still able to perusal him like an open book, some parts were submerged in foxing like an ancient page of a muribund character. 

Hongjoong was esoteric, an arcane soul, anything related to beyond understanding. Seonghwa was a tumultuous and inquisitive one, though, at some times, he could see the fear in Hongjoong’s eyes when he would use his infamous martinet face or voice. 

That was easy, having Hongjoong submit and order around. It was also a hard task, because it didn’t matter how gravel Seonghwa was with his touches, Hongjoong preferred it hard. He was stubborn like no one was, he detested being called or even overlooked as weak. 

That was what Seonghwa had learned. 

Hongjoong was not a simple threat, more hostile he was. The one to not bring misery, but also not the one to serve jubilation on the plate gilded with gold. He was something Seonghwa wanted to explore, to learn the wonders and to drown himself into the perfection Hongjoong was. 

There is always a thing he is hiding, but still, he is perfect to Seonghwa. He is always turning Seonghwa down, as if he is full of apprehension and is afraid of being transpired to the whole world. 

Seonghwa needs to tell him that he is good at secrets. 

But nothing will happen if he doesn’t apologize. 

And when he does, Seonghwa will allow himself to fall easily in the abyss named Hongjoong. 

“Yes. Yes, it has been seven years. How have you been, oh you have changed so much!” Yunho’s voice exuded happiness when he moved his metal-covered hands upwards to hold Hongjoong’s head carefully. 

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