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“I mean it.” 

Hongjoong shared a look with Seonghwa momentarially before turning back to the new guy at the table. He was an army commander, still in his grimy uniform as if he had just returned from the field. Seonghwa mused,resting his chin on his hand and focusing.

Hongjoong was left solely to choose, not even Eden was around to help. Not that he needs one. Ostentatiously, Seonghwa shifted on his chair, smiling at the commander who sent a firm nod back. Hongjoong was empowered, not really, but when Seonghwa sent the same smile at him, he knew the guy was telling him to speak loud. 

The agent scoffed scornfully and derided the benevolent smile, almost rolling his eyes at the gracious behavior. When has he been like this? 

The mission had been good, well, at least for Hongjoong. He thought that Seonghwa would let his rope go but it went all too well, much more than he had expected. When they came back, they almost had an argument in the middle of the blueth hallway, nearly resulting in Hongjoong nearly brandishing his gun at Seonghwa.

Thankfully, Leez was to the rescue, no one else daring to interrupt the two livid agents. Hongjoong remembered Seonghwa catching him by the wrist and twisting it at the back, Hongjoong winced but didn’t let out a sound. 

And now he was acting all kind with a dulcet tone. 

“We might need some time to think,” Hongjoong informed and received a stern nod. The commander -or Commander Choi Jongho- had a stony expression, not breaking his calm facade and aloof demeanor. 

“I will be waiting, make sure you contact me on this number.”  Choi Jongho stood up, his eyes darting between Seonghwa and Hongjoong as if puddled. He stayed insouciant, yet his eyes sparked with emotions before drifting back to being serious. 

His aura was atrabilious slightly, but there was a tiny glint of ambivalent light of sincerity and generosity. 

“Yes, of course.” 

Jongho strolled to the door out of the meeting room before disappearing into the bright hallways accompanied by brilliant balls of lights. 

They were really living in the future, having bright hallways with high technology. Hongjoong himself contributed his everything in the agency and its success, and this is where he is now, known as one of the best shooters.

“What do you think?” Seonghwa swiveled his head once he made sure the commander was far in the halls and almost reached the elevator area. 

Hongjoong shrugged. “He might be genuine, I don’t know. But consider it, he works for our country, our homeland France. He doesn’t have a petulant pride, or maybe he does but not our business. What matters is his devotion to the country.”

 He noted and carded his hand through his curly and now a bit long black hair, distangling some strands. He looks marcid, he knows, he has been having sleepless nights again and now what he waits is some another nightmare to amate him. 

“I think so too, perhaps we can give it a try. He also suggested that we leave for Saudi Arabia. What do you think it means?” Seonghwa now sounds like a teacher and Hongjoong is being vivaed by him. 

“He told us that the only way to stop is to go meet someone named Sam? Max?” Hongjoong walks towards the large table across the room testudineously, Seonghwa in tow like a toddler behind his mother. 

Hongjoong slomps on one of the chairs as Seonghwa leaned against the table to look at the ground, his expression surprisingly was not ominous but focusing. He looked deep in thought before snapping his head at Hongjoong who was already dozing into a cordial embrace of slumber. 

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