62• |Ceasing harmony|

Start from the beginning

"What are you two fighting about?" Dhruv asked her with a confused expression. The rest of her speech was no news to him. He had predicted all this the day when Nandini told him that Jeanette was going to be living with them. Nothing about Jeanette had changed. When she was Nandini's housemate, she was a slacker and Nandini had to manage everything, which she never realised. Nandini would undoubtedly realize how much Jeanette had made her do now that she was living with Manik, who did everything he could to help her around the house.

"Both of us want her gone but we keep fighting about who'll ask her to move out. I say that he is the one who is her friend so he should do it but he says that I was the one to bring her in so I should be the one to do it." Nandini responded making a face.

"He's right! You brought this on yourself so it is only fair if you undo it." Dhruv nodded thoughtfully and told her what he thought was fair. It earned him a solid punch on his bicep from Nandini.

"You are supposed to be on my side!" Nandini exclaimed with a fake hurt look.

"Friends are supposed to say the truth which is exactly what he's doing. Thanks, man!" Manik pat Dhruv's shoulder as he entered their vicinity and spoke. Nandini frowned at how the guys ended up laughing at her expense and watched Manik scooch in with her to take a seat beside her.

"That is so not the truth. I... I brought her with me only because she's your friend. I was just being a good girlfriend, you know?" Nandini thought for a second before framing that epic comeback to which Dhruv passed her an appreciative look.

"Be an even better girlfriend by asking her to move out now." Manik said rolling his eyes at her clever attempt to pin this on him.

"Yo..." Before Nandini could say anything Dhruv cut her in between. "Keep your fights inside your home, love birds. Cabir warned me how nasty it gets and then when you make up how you act like the most sickly in love couple." Dhruv commented making the couple frown at his words.

"That ungrateful son of a bitch! Is that how he described us?" Manik exclaimed making Dhruv chuckle.

"Totally! We got all the dirt about your fights regularly on the group text chain when he was living at your place." Dhruv told them leaving them agape at the new found information.

"Was this before or after he told you guys about his and Navya's problems?" Nandini asked with a scrutinized gaze.

"Definitely after that... He wasn't himself before. He only told us about it once their couple's therapy started helping them. It feels like we got our OG Bira back again now." Dhruv said with a fond smile. 

Once the therapy felt productive, Cabir and Navya made the decision to tell their friends about their problems and how they were handling them. They were obviously taken aback, but they had also sensed an oddity about the couple. To give Cabir and Navya some alone time, their friends decided to help them with Nia as well. Since their situation had begun to improve, Cabir was once again in his element.

"OG Bira equals son of a bitch! I'll show him what's what for broadcasting our fights the next time we meet. Anyway, let's get down to business." Manik grit and reminded them of why they had actually decided to meet.

"Yep! So, Cabir told me that he and Navya are going to be moving into their old house in the city. Meaning they are finally moving out of the Navya's parents' building. They are shifting there next Monday. I was thinking of surprising them with a small party with just us friends the day before that... What say?" Nandini informed Dhruv of her intentions. Manik had already heard this in the morning and was immediately onboard as well.

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