10• |Playing it safe?|

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Dedicated to sayonara1503 nyctophile1698 Nidzz26 fullofmusic18 krishnagindodia ishaishank SrishtiSharma9  navyajaya afsanaSaba13 archasa

Special mention to the ones for leaving a bunch of beautiful inline comments in the previous chapter divya869 Vihaana1ahir dhatri22 Mananpanihumesha __krinalP_ ashuban  adorable_angel14 ashusingh678 darkangel142111

Hugs🤗 and kisses😘 to the ones who voted as well.


"After the example my parents have set for me, do you really think that I can ever believe in marriage or family?" Jeanette asked her, rhetorically.

Jeanette's home was something that one could call broken, literally. Jeanette, her father and her mother lived in a little house in Alleppey, Kerala. Jeanette's father took off, leaving her mother and her all by themselves when she was barely eight years old. Jeanette's mother, obviously didn't deal with this in a good way and she relapsed. After that her mother started living a life what one could refer to as provocative way to live. She had been married to three different guys till date and even had two more kids with one of them. Jeanette hated every man her mother was with but she couldn't bring herself to even try to dislike her stepbrother and stepsister.

Jeanette took care of her half-siblings all by herself when her mother was busy outside focusing on her business or meeting someone new. This continued until Jeanette couldn't take it anymore so she eloped from her house. She made sure to keep in touch with Shawn and Sareena (Jeanette's half-brother and half-sister), secretively, but she did not bother to go back home.

Until, five years ago when Jeanette's mother hunted her down given that she had divorced her husband, again, and moved to Mumbai with the kids. After that it had become a moral obligation to Jeanette that she visits her mother's home, at least once in a month just for the sake of Shawn and Sareena.

"Jen, I know that the situation with your parents is very messed up and you had a terrible childhood but you came out of it, years ago, didn't you? They are no more than acquaintances to you, now. So, what they do in their lives shouldn't affect you. What is the point of surrounding yourself with people, whom you love, if you cannot let go of your inhibitions that stemmed from your past."? Nandini argued while she ate her dinner, settled on the dining table with Jeanette seated across from her.

"A- my father isn't even an acquaintance because I have no idea where that man has been for these past nineteen years. He could be dead, for all I care; and B- I don't have anyone other than you in my life to even call them close to my heart." Jeanette reminded Nandini of her terrible circumstances. Nandini felt guilt almost instantly for scratching Jeanette's old wounds.

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