"Then help us out, because I agree, this is foolish and I want to end it," Tyler pops in.

He laughs and nods his head," You're right"

He sighs and says, "My brother, Blake, I figured you have seen him around, is apart of the Faults. He want's my assistance in killing Payton. I refused. I don't have time for killing someone. I'm a busy man and my brother doesn't seem to understand that. He has gotten a hold of people to do his dirty work. He has gotten my own men to go against me," He says.

Blake? He is his brother? That son of a b**ch

" He told me something about Payton. She is important, valuable. They want to kill her because she is so valuable. You see, I already knew this information. I don't want to kill Payton, but he does. I would kill him, but he is smart. He knows I am looking for him, he is hiding. If you do seem to find him, do me a favor and kill him."

"Why are you not killing anyone?" Gabe challenges.

He looks at Gabe, gives him a glare, and says," I don't have time, son."

" What the hell?! You do have time! You have had time for years. You are also like your brother, you're running, hiding."

They both stand up in fury at one another. How in the hell does Gabe know this?

"You're a sick bastard you know that? You run, and hide! Why?! You know what you have done! Why don't you admit it and get on with your life? Why don't you just kill someone else-"

"Stop!" The man shouts.

"Are you filled with to much guilt to kill someone else?!" Gabe shouts.

"Stop it!!" The man shouts louder. The music is nothing compared to his loud raging voice. We are the only ones left in the room except for his men. They look fired up and ready to kill.

"Why did you stop?!Guilt? Was it because of guilt? Of course it was because of guilt. You know you can kill. You just don't want to, right? What kind of leader doesn't even kill?! You should be ashamed of yourself."

This time he doesn't even shout. It is more of a  threatening growl, "Stop Gabe. You don't understand."

"What do I not understand? That you are a coward? Why don't you want to kill Payton?"

"That is none of your concern," He says sternly.

"None of my concern? I am protecting her. I should know why you don't want to kill her."

Something in his eyes soften, but then come back to recognition and are now more deadly than ever. He is about to speak, but Gabe stops him, " You're full of guilt."

"You don't understand!" The man shouts.

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