2- Hope Shines

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He stood from the shadows, putting his phone away and I met his dark eyes staring straight through me. "So you drank last night?" He asked, his voice as if coming out of an empty vessel. 

That was the first question he asked after scaring the live lights out of me. My dear brother-in-law. But I couldn't say anything in response. I was still scared.

He was perfect but not when he gets angry.

As I felt myself getting pulled down by gravity, I was relieved to hear Anvita di's voice. "Neeraj? What are you doing here at this time?" 

"That is not important. The important thing is that she came in drunk and you lied to me." He crossed his arms, taking steps near me as I retreated. "I think I told you to not drink." 

I quickly hid behind my sister. "That is not helping you. I am asking something, why did you drink, again."

"Neeraj, don't scare her. She is already distressed. She lost her job." My sister gave me a sympathetic look.

"That's nothing new. It is not even the first time, is it? Payal, I can tolerate everything but not alcohol," he said as if trying to calm himself. 

In the next moment, my sister and I ended up standing with our heads hung down and eyes taking turns scanning if his anger had skimmed away. "I am sorry, Jiju. I will not do it again." 

I knew it would be a failed attempt. I hung my head again after watching his disapproving face. "Neeraj, how about making your favorite luchi and aloo r dum? You will love it!" My sister made her attempt to make his Bengali heart melt. 

Though I noticed the little glitter in his eyes, he resisted his urge very well. That was when my sister did what she was best at. "Are you seriously doing this?" She got serious, catching the attention of the room. "You must be happy punishing me after all that I do for you. Okay, cool. Clean your dirty socks on your own. I am not doing that stuff from today." 

Soon enough, he stood up with an apologetic expression stuck on his face as he tailed behind my sister like a puppy. They were all gushy in love in a few minutes, acting like straight middle-schoolers. 

I guess all the wives have a dynamic to handle their husbands.


"Hmm... you know how hard it is to get a job these days. Even my company finished the new recruitments last month. So, it will be hard." My brother-in-law broke his silence after listening to my story. My heart sank at the thought that he won't be able to help me this time. 

Anvita Di must have noticed my sadness. She insisted, "Can't you do something? Use your contacts or anything?" 

"She can stay here. I will make sure to pay off the rent to the landlord there. I wish I could help you," he paused to look at me. "Take it easy for some time, until you find a job." 

After he had walked away, Anvita Di came toward me. Her hair was tied up in a bun and her eyes found mine pale ones. "I think he is right. Take a break for now. Better get ready. We have a wedding to attend." She broke into a smile.

Confused, I asked, "What? Whose?" 

"Our neighbor, Dr Sandeep's son, is getting married today. So he invited everyone. Maybe, he can even help you." 

Her words made my eyes grow wide. "Really? He can?" 

She simply nodded, pushing me to my room to get ready. Though I was not in the mood for a wedding, I thought of this as an opportunity to get a job and also free food is an amazing way to lift my mood. 

Crack The JobHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin