23- Magical Surreal Love

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"You should hang up first." 

"No, you." 

"Baby, you!" 

"No, first you, honey!" 

And the laughter echoed, as if emerging from the depths of bones, breaking beneath the burden, like a celestial choir uniting to serenade a lullaby. It sounded so beautiful in my ears.

“What the hell? Am I the only one cringing here?” Ankit sat next to me and I could feel him staring at me like I was something worse than a creep. He made a ‘tsk’ sound with his tongue as he watched me grow two heads in shock.

I didn't feel the need to reply to that. 

"He lost his brain cells," Gourabh who was sitting on my right claimed, his eyes glued to his laptop as he turned his eyes up to look at the TV screen. "What is this B-rated film anyway?" 

"Right… I never heard about this." 

Until now, I was enjoying my little sweet melodrama rom-com but then these ignorant brats came in, ruining my evening plans. As if they were told to ruin my mood by an unknown x variable. 

"Let me have my moment. Do you want a beating?" I spoke out loud and I knew I screwed up when I looked at my right, towards Gourabh when I had to turn left. 

"What did you just say? Try it." I blinked at him like an idiot before I saw myself holding my hands up together in front of him. 

"I didn't mean that, you know." I could only give him a smile that must have been creepy as the word may demand.

"Is this B-rated film influencing you?" Ankit commented like he just wants someone to hear him and I threw a cushion right at him after successfully dodging my remote attack. 

“How is work going on?” Gourabh asked, smoothly changing the topic. 

“Well, it is good.” And I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Like I just lost my screw and they surely took it for that. Quite literally.

"Hey, look for a screw fast. I think it must've fallen down." Gourabh urged Ankit to look under the couch for the fallen screw and then turned to me, "How are you smiling while talking about work?" 

They both laughed and clapped hands at the cost of my patience but I was very fine with it. The smile on my face didn't wear off. 

"Do whatever but I am enjoying my work." I jumped up from the sofa, striding back to my room, leaving them confused.

"Is something wrong with him?" I heard them murmur behind me. I slammed the door closed, and sat on my desk to get some work done because I was still questionable to my job in that position like the head.

Somehow, I wanted to work but not really. I wasn't doing anything but imagining it. My eyes fell on my phone and like my dumb self who checked my messages only two minutes ago, refreshed it, waiting for something to pop up.

Did I know what I needed to see? Maybe yes, maybe no. At least I want to say no but deep inside, I know what I am waiting for. Payal. But nothing came as expected.

Even her thoughts make me want to close my eyes and just dream because she is like a dream. It's like she is the dream. My dream. 

"Siddharth, get to work." I shook up from my world and reminded myself that if anything I must prove myself to be worth dreaming that dream. 

I called up the manager. "Hello, yes… Can you send the product sales document? Like I wanted to check them out. Yes, every detail… till now." 

"But sir, didn't you take them home already?" 

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