Turning off the shower I pick her back up and walk out of the bathroom and into my room. Micah was not in my room anymore so I walk towards the closet to get her changed out of her drenched clothes.

Sitting her down on a couch I walked around to find a shirt while her eyes followed me everywhere. Grabbing a black shirt I walked back to her and slowly pulled off the wet shirt off her body, she didn't protest nor made any attempt to stop me.

Keeping my eyes low I slide the dry shirt on her body and buttoned it up. As soon as I was done, she stood up and walked away.

Pinching my brows together I follow her as she dragged herself back in bed and was out like a light.

Letting out a deep breath I walked towards her and pulled the blanket up to her chest. Caressing her pale cheek I felt a strong tug on my heart.

I will fix this mess dove.

Sucking in a deep breath I step back and walked out of my room, making sure to keep the door slightly open.

Running a hand through my damp hair I walked down the stairs.

"How is she?"

Micah's voice rubble as I enter the living room and I give him a tired glance.

"Miserable" I reply and drag my feet towards the mini bar and pour myself a glass of whiskey. I need something strong, anything to block out her screams.

"You know It's the consequences of what you've done, right?" Micah grumble and I sigh before taking a large gulp of my drink.

"Nathan, I know how hard it is for you, but what you're doing won't help her, it'll only push her deeper into the hell she's in" he continues and I shake my head.

"I know I fucked up-"

"Fucking yes you did" Micah's voice hardens as he cuts me off mid sentence.

"You need to get your shit together Nathan, you need to focus on her right now or she is as good as dead if she keeps taking that shit, you either get your act right or let me handle this my way, because I'd be damned to just sit and watch while you destroy her and yourself along the way" He finish with a hard glare and I won't lie, it was like a slap of reality and it stingged like a bitch, but I know he was right and if I don't get myself together I'd destroy her.

"I will fix this" I grit out and he looks at me, unsure of whether or not to believe me, but he lets out a sigh and gives me a curt nod regardless.

"You better, because she sure as hell doesn't deserve this, and you know that" he says and stands up before walking away.

His every word was like a punch on my face but I know he's only looking out for her, but I never imagined I'd be the one putting her in a situation like this.

Downing the rest of my drink I get up and walk out the living room, climbed up the stairs and towards my office.



"Good morning sunshine"

Micah's annoyingly loud voice woke me up and I pushed my head off the table, my back and neck was strained. Did I really fell asleep in here?

Yesterday when I came to my office I got so busy digging through Tyler's past that I lost track of time and passed out in front of my laptop screen.

"What got you so intrigued to spend the night in your office, especially when Delilah is in your room" he asks and slides a cup of coffee across the table and took a seat on the other side of the table.

Shaking my hand to get rid of the numbness I pick up the cup.

"I was digging through Tyler's past, trying to find anyone that could prove to be a threat to Delilah" I tell him and he nods in understandment.

"Found anyone?" He asks and I shake my head with a tired sigh.

"No one, not one soul, but he was a member of some gang apparently, he was often seen selling drugs, found a couple police reports on him, attempted murder, and rape cases were filed against him but he was never sent to prison, he was always bailed out and the victims were either killed or silenced" I explain him and his frown deepens.

"Sick bastard" he grumbles.

"Any idea who he worked for?" He asked and I shook my head with a heavy sigh.

"Not yet, I sent the details to Tony, we'll soon find out" I tell him and take a large gulp of the coffee.

"Did you find out anything new on Delilah?" I ask him but a look of uneasiness clouded his features.

"I think it's best if she tells you about her past on her own" he tells me and my frown deepens, there has to be a reason he's not telling me, and if it wasn't about her, I'd force him to tell me, but I can't.

I let out a deep sigh "I'll have to wait then"

"Keep an eye on Delilah for a while, make sure she eats, I'll be back shortly" I tell him and get on my feet.

"Where are you going?" He asks with a frown as I pull a set of my fav knives from the top drawer and his eyes narrow.

"Going to have a very friendly chat with our guest in the basement" I say with a smile and he shakes his head.

"He's stubborn, if he's in some shady shit, he won't admit it easily, so try not to get too friendly" Micah warns me.

"Everyone's stubborn, until they're not" I mutter and walk out. He'll answer me one way or another.


3 hours.

That's how long I been sitting here, enjoying Tyler's painful screams that filled the air.

I let my men torture him because I was afraid if I get my hands on him, he might just die today, and that's something I couldn't risk, so I let my men have a go at him, let out their frustration on him. And so far they're doing a marvelous job.

Standing up I walk towards Tyler, he wasn't chained, nor did I tie him up because he can't go anywhere with broken legs anyways. He was sprawled on the floor, completely helpless, exactly like how he made her feel like.

When I got closer, my men stopped with what they were doing and stepped back.

"I don't know about you, but I'm having a really good time" I speak but his cries of pain doesn't stop.

"Who are you" he repeated the same question he been asking me since I brought him here, so I decided to give him an answer.

"Look at me" I mutter and he lift his swollen eyes in my direction. I slightly crouch down so he could hear me loud and clear.

"Remember this face Tyler, because I'm the karma of what you put Delilah through, I'll make sure your depts are paid in the most painful way humanly possible" I say every word loud enough for him to hear and a look of defeat took over his features.

"Why don't you just kill me!?" he cries and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"That would be too easy, you're to feel every painful second of your life, I will not kill you Tyler, I will drag you to the point you'll try to kill yourself, but I promise you, I won't let that happen" I finish and get back on my feet and gestured my men to take him back to his cell and they dragged him across the floor and I stood there, listening to his fading cries, and that spread a feeling of satisfaction through me.

A buzzing of my phone from my pants pocket broke my focus and I pulled it out to find a new text from Micah.

Clicking it open, my eyebrows knit together as I read the text he sent me.

"Emergency, get back!"


End of chapter my lovelies!
I hope you guys like it.
I wanna apologize for taking off for such a long period of time unannounced but I needed a break for my mental health and now I'm back and ready to make you gasp in every chapter;)
Don't be shy and leave your thoughts in the comment section.
Lovely reading my sweets!
Peace out✌🏼

Little DoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon