Going into Greed P.2

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With Kyle and Charlie...

Charlie:If that call is anything to go by,we'll have to follow several limousines to save your friends.

Kyle:Sounds like a plan. But instead of a stakeout,why don't we just follow them?

Charlie:You mean by foot? That might actually take more longer than waiting?

Kyle:Actually,I was thinking...

As Kyle was continuing his thought out loud,the jewish child then reached into his bag,before putting on his Sci-Fi set.

As Kyle was continuing his thought out loud,the jewish child then reached into his bag,before putting on his Sci-Fi set

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Kyle:...we get a good look from above.

Kyle said,activating his jetpack as he began hovering slightly in the air,while activating his blaster rifle with a switch,confusing Charlie.

Charlie:...Where did you get that from?


Charlie:Regardless,you're not going to actually kill anyone,are you?

Kyle:That won't be a problem. I've read up online that demons down here can only truly be killed if you have angelic and holy weapons or beings of divine status.

Charlie:Ok,but try not to be too trigger happy. Now,let's see if I still got it.

Suddenly,angelic wings began to sprout of Charlie's back as Kyle was waiting for Lucifer's daughter to fly alongside with him,as his jetpack was active.

Charlie then began to jump off the building and hover mid-air...only for her to fall on her face.

Kyle then winced as he noticed as Charlie took a hard fall face-first into the pavement,which probably must've hurt.

Kyle:Are you-

Charlie:Yeah,just hold on a second. I've haven't spread wings ever since Hell School so I might be a little rusty.

Charlie then got some level of success on her second attempt,as she was flying alongside Kyle,only for her to clumsily bump into a flagpole head first,dazing her briefly.

Kyle:Do you need some help?

Charlie:(Sighs) Yeah.

Charlie said,sounding slightly defeated. Kyle then grabbed Charlie's hands as she got rid of her angelic wings and soon,Kyle began carrying Charlie through mid-air as he placed his rifle away.

Charlie:(thoughts) Note to self:Definitely practice my flying once I get back to Pride.

As Kyle was flying,Charlie then noticed another vehicle drive off (similar to the one Kenny spotted) and squinted to get a better look as her eyes widen and she saw the limousine.

Charlie:I see it,over there!

Kyle:Quick! Reach for my blaster rifle and shoot the tires!

Charlie tried to reach it with one of her hands but it was too far for her to reach and she didn't want to fall on her face one more time.

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