Freedom versus Fire

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Charlie was suddenly pushed out of the building that initially kept her and the other children of South Park hostage before one of the mafia goons shoves her to the ground,dirtying her suit a bit and somewhat dazing Charlie.

Crimson:Alright,boys! Teach this little princess what happens when you cross onto Notamafia Town turf!

All of Crimson's goons had a sadistic grin on their faces with fanged teeth,showing and weapons loaded and ready,along with Crimson (although the mafia shark's leader would never fight directly himself)

Charlie:(sighs) Look,I don't think you wanna fight me. How about we settle this with our words? You let me and these boys go,and we will never set foot on your turf again?

Crimson:Ha! Fat chance! Boys,humble daddy's little girl over here!

Charlie then pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She really didn't wanna resort to violence,given she's generally a pacifist but Crimson wasn't really giving her any choice.

Charlie:Very well. Take note,I will not enjoy engaging in fisticuffs.

Defeat Crimson!

Defeat Crimson!

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1.Charlie Morningstar

Crimson began to grin,confident in his marksmanship and having the number advantage with his men,as theyproceed to shoot multiple bullets towards Charlie,only to run past them with relative ease and avoid all of the gunfire.

Some of Crimson's shark mafia tried to ambush her from behind,but Charlie managed to anticipate their sneak attack and kicked them in their behinds,knocking them away.

More mafia sharks approached and tried to dogpile the Princess of Hell in an attempt to overpower her...only for Charlie to continue knocking them away one by one,whether she punched,kicked,or blasted them away with her fire powers.

Charlie:Like I said...

One more mafia shark (who in particular,was pretty bulky and strong for his size) try to attack Charlie,only for her to throw him over her head with her legs,incapacitating the last of the kingpin's men.

Charlie:..I don't enjoy this.

Charlie then dusted off her hands,as Crimson's men laid their,subdued and knocked out,as Charlie was able to defeat them rather easily due to...y'know. Being the Princess of Hell?


Crimson:Well,I'll be damned. You managed to take out my men faster than that lass from Wrath my embarrassment of a son is married to.

However,the difference being than the last time his men were taken,they were brutally murdered and ripped apart.

This time,they were only incapacitated,with the most harm done to them were a few concussions and some burns,which were minor.

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