Meeting the Radio Demon

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Back at the 666 News Station...

It was pretty damn hectic as a battle ensued between Charlie Morningstar and Katie Killjoy.

Katie initally managed to slam Charlie's head down onto the table where she broadcasted her news before Charlie gained the upperhand and was leg-dropping Katie on the head before launching herself at Katie,pushing her back,with Tom Trench on fire and screaming in pain.


Stan and Kyle were just watching the situation go down as red lights were flashing brightly in the news station.

Stan:Dude,this is pretty fucked up right here.

Kyle:Should we do anything?

Stan:Like what?

Stan and Kyle were watching Charlie continue to fight with Katie,and it seemed she was even getting the advantage almost the entire time,even without using her own Full Demon form.

Kyle:Good point. Charlie is really kicking that news reporter's ass. Not like she didn't have it coming.

Stan:Wait,how are the other guys doing? Let's make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

Kyle:Wait,where's Vaggie?

Kyle said,confused as where the one-eyed muscle of the Happy Hotel could've went. Maybe she was helping Charlie?

Back to the turf war at hand...

Cherri:Glad you haven't changed! You know you're my favorite guy to party with!

Angel:You know it,sugar tits!

Angel got out his Tommy gun while Cherri was preparing with her bombs,with Cartman getting out his baseball bat and Butters pulled out a double-barreled shotgun.

Cherri:You three ready to finish what we've started?

Angel:Born ready,baby!

Butters:Let's skin this snake,fellas!

Cartman:Yeah,let's fuck him up!

Angel Dust,Cherri Bomb,Cartman,and Butters all charged towards Sir Pentious,who had his Egg Bois beside him and the other side having their weapons ready,as they began screaming as well as Charlie,Katie,Sir Pentious,Tom Trench,Cartman,and Butters all began screaming but for different reasons.

After the Turf War ended and the fiasco at the 666 News Station concluded...
We cut back to the Morningstar limousine driving back to the hotel.

Charlie was looking a bit down as she was hugging her knees while looking out the window,Vaggie sat next to her,giving Angel Dust a furious glare,who was just playing with the car window button.

Stan,Kyle,Cartman,and Butters hadn't said anything due to the silence that accompanied the atmosphere of the limousine before Kenny rematerialized out of thin air.

Stan:Oh,hey Kenny.

Charlie then rubbed her eyes,realizing the boy in the orange parka had appeared out of nowhere just like that due to his resurrection.

Charlie:Woah woah woah. Did anyone just see that?

Everyone looked at Charlie confused as to what she was talking about,regarding Kenny rematerializing randomly.

Kyle:Saw what?

Charlie:Your friend! He just poofed here all of sudden. I can't be the only one who saw that!

They were all confused as to what Charlie meant,including Vaggie and Angel Dust,despite the spider seeing Kenny die. Due to his curse,almost no one could remember his deaths (minus Cartman but he would never admit to this unless it was to profit him)

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