Step 12: Fall victim to hugs

Start from the beginning

Frey grimaced as he walked behind them.

"Just one at a time, please."

"Oh, I almost forgot Marigold" Paulina stopped in front of a stall where a large, bay coloured horse was standing, not looking too interested in its new company. "She's a great horse, but she's getting up there age-wise so we're not necessarily planning any more offspring from her. She's got a lot of experience and plenty more years left though, so she's not a bad choice."

Frey nodded slowly. The horse's age wasn't much of a downside. Even past their breeding prime, horses could have a long life ahead, and he doubted Damien was concerned with the looks of a working horse even when her age started to show.

"Should I... Take a look?" Marius asked Frey with a low voice. "See if she's healthy and all?"

"We'll look at all of them first." Frey shook his head. "See which ones stand out most."

"Do you really need a stable boy for this?" Paulina had to ask, and while Frey couldn't agree with her scepticism more, he still didn't have the power to do anything about it.

"Even I don't get much of a say when it comes to what Lord Hargreaves wants."

"He's the one buying the horses, after all," Marius attempted to join in, but neither Frey nor Paulina found it a notable argument, no matter how valid.

"Still rude, isn't it?" Paulina whispered before walking again, and Frey smirked at the validation.

"Over here's Pepper," she continued with a nod to a chestnut horse, not as large as Marigold but sturdy enough to make up for it. "She's a delight. Not the cosiest, but has a calm temper and is happy to work."

"I think the workers can manage without the cosiness." Frey tilted his head as his gaze wandered up and down the horse. Honestly, when it came to working horses that weren't going to be shown off, his standards weren't too high. As long as they did their job well and without a fuss, he'd allow it. Of course, them being healthy and having a long life ahead was important too so perhaps, regrettably, it would come down to Marius in the end.

"Is this the young one?" Marius asked from behind them, having spotted a stall containing a dark bay horse with the same white blaze and stockings as Marigold. It was much younger though.

"Yeah, that's Bonfire," Paulina confirmed. "He's promising, but like I said he hasn't been backed so he's not ready yet."

"Look at him!" Despite his efforts to keep his voice down, Marius couldn't sound more excited as he tried to wave Frey over. "He's beautiful!"

Frey humoured him by giving the horse another look. Admittedly it was indeed beautiful and Frey did value appearance, but Damien wanted a grown, trained horse. Even if Frey could convince him to wait for a horse, there was no guarantee that horse would be a good fit.

"He is," he at least agreed before turning away again. "Now come along."

"Is it because he's handsome?" Paulina whispered as they walked, and Frey knitted his eyebrows.

"The horse?"

"The stable boy," she whispered even lower. "You're so patient with him."

"Well, you're asking intrusive questions and I'm patient with you too."

"And aren't I handsome?"

Frey smiled weakly, but he hadn't come there for interrogations into his private life. Just horses.

"And this one?" he asked as Paulina headed for another stall.

"This is Embers." Paulina gestured back to where they'd come from. "Bonfire's older sister. Perhaps a better choice if you're looking for someone from that family."

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