Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck

Start from the beginning

Scrooge: Is this true Aiden? Did you help your brothers put up this party for me?

Aiden: Yes Uncle Scrooge. Am I in trouble?

Scrooge: Of course not lad. You're in big trouble!

Louie: Hey, hey, hey c'mon Uncle Scrooge it's your party, Aiden did nothing wrong, so, get in the spirit.

Louie puts on a happy Scrooge mask onto Scrooge but takes which Louie adds " or not. That's cool." Huey suggested the first birthday and it was a jumbo word search about Scrooge but he did a pass, next it was musical chairs, Aiden suggested he could just sit their in silence, Scrooge agrees with his great-nephews but Aiden was still grounded the other game was balloon pop relay coming into Scrooge's station but Scrooge pop the balloon and said "station's closed",  Huey calls in a staff meeting and the kids went in a empty room and shut the green curtains.

Louie: I don't think Scrooge wants a party.

Huey: That's crazy! There've been a few bumps, but he'll come around.

Aiden: Huey! Scrooge grounded me for helping you guys throwing this party the he doesn't even want, so thanks a lot.

Huey: We never wanted you to get in trouble Aiden. And we're sorry but for right now you make sure Scrooge is out there having fun okay? Louie, no schmoozing. Just serve punch. Dewey. Dewey.

When he wasn't responding Huey called out to his DJ name he finally responded, Huey gives DJ Daft Duck a list of pre-approved songs with a 90% enjoyment rating and wants him to play them.

Louie: Listen, I know planning is your thing, but you're cramping our style. You gotta relax and just ride the party wave.

DJ Daft Duck play some sound effect on his keytar with some beach waves and seagulls.

Huey: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest the honor know how much they're loved. Uncle Scrooge  has done so much for us! This is our chance to do something for him!

Aiden: By forcing him to have fun at a party he doesn't want to be at?

Huey: I knew you guys understand.

As Huey walked out of the empty room, the three brothers wishes next year for Scrooge's birthday they should get to have their own adventure some else where, Huey stops Scrooge from escaping the party. Huey tries to get Scrooge into the party mood by preforming a magic show staring Aiden and Nik Nokturne, and Scrooge hates birthday party magicians even more then birthday parties.

Nik Nokturne: Choose your destiny.

When the random guy picks his card and gives it back to Nokturne, he picks up the cards and suddenly Scrooge calls out that the card his is is his pocket next to a dove that they both popped out from. DJ Daft Duck was playing cricket sound effects and Huey says "not helping"

Nik Nokturne: You, nonbeliever, come forth to experience real magic! Show him kid.

Aiden: Behold, the Abyss Box!

When Scrooge refuses Huey gives him puppy dog eyes and he does it, Aiden whispers to his great-uncle's ear and says  "don't worry Uncle Scrooge I'll make that you're away from this party" Scrooge adds "you're still punished by the way" Aiden knows and closes the door.

Nik Nokturne: Embrace the pull of the darkness! We call upon the spirits...

Suddenly it all went pitch black and an unown voice appeared "the party has just begun" and the lights wear back on and the Abyss Box was destroyed and Scrooge was gone, Nik Nokturne was crying over his destroyed Abyss Box.

Ducktales Retold: The Life Of Aiden Fauntleroy Where stories live. Discover now