Both Marion and Katrielle were in the second to last group to go, much to the ire of the latter. Regardless, Katrielle still handled the broom with grace and skill. She even did some impressive tricks, which not only earned her the cheer from her peers, but Garrith's awe as well.

Katrielle smirked proudly, "This is what you get when you study!"

On the other end of the skill spectrum, Marion was having trouble properly steering her broom. Every time she turned, she always did it sharply. This sudden jerk freaked her out and made her lean forward. This in turn caused the broom to turn down and head down. Kyle noticed that she flicked her broom in order to turn as opposed to gradually turning it. Once she stopped herself from hitting the ground, Kyle asked her to turn off her broom for a sec.

"Um, when you turn, how about you try slowly turning the broom?" Kyle suggested.

Marion tried doing just as he suggested. To her surprise, it didn't result in any jerkiness.

"Wow, that totally works," Marion remarked. "Thanks!"

She took back to the skies and continued moving the broom like Kyle had shown her. She eventually got the hang of it and never had any more issues with control and was able to put in a good showing. Her group was called in and she returned to the ground without error.

"Still got a ways to go," Katrielle huffed.

It was time for Kyle's group to go. Kyle started by putting the broom between his legs. Nervously, he casted Jetton to make the broom start up. Once he moved it to where his feet were off the ground, he used Jetton again to make it start moving. Using his own advice, he had no trouble flying around on the broom. He was still anxious about everyone watching him, but he managed to overlook it and fly properly.

Garrith soon called them all in. Everyone headed down towards the ground as Kyle tried to do the same. However, the broom didn't move down. Kyle attempted to move it again, but it didn't budge. Sly, noticing he was having trouble, flew up to check on him.

"What's the matter?" Sly asked him.

"My broom is... stuck," Kyle responded.

All of a sudden, the broom tilted back on its own. Before Kyle could process what was going on, it started flying backwards into the woods. Frantically, he tried using Jettoff to stop it, but to no effect.

"Help!" Kyle cried in a meek yet panicked tone.

Sly gave chase to him as the two disappeared into the woods. Garrith yelled for someone to go grab the headmistress. In an instant, Stan dashed inside the school.

Kyle sat on the broom helplessly as it flew backwards. He turned his head back and noticed he was headed straight for a tree. He desperately hoped the broom would turn, but it didn't. It smacked dead into the tree. Kyle emitted a high pitch yelp from the impact.

To make matters worse, hitting the tree caused the broom to become lifeless. It fell to the ground with Kyle still clinging onto it. Quickly, Kyle pulled out his wand and casted a spell he remembered seeing from Lillian's book.

"Plarushar!" he commanded.

A big pillow appeared below him. Kyle let go of the dead broom and fell into the pillow. At that moment, Sly had caught up to him. He landed next to the pillow just as Kyle used the spell again to make the pillow disappear. It vanished in an instant, leaving him sitting on the ground.

Sly licked his face, "You alright?"

"Yeah, just spooked is all," Kyle assured him.

He looked beside him and saw the broom cracked in half.

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