"Ah, William. Tell me, have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel? I mean, damsel in distress Either one." Jack asks Will


"Then you wouldn't be here, so you can't be here, Q.E.D, you're not really here." Jack  explains

"Jack,it's real." Elizabeth says

Jack sees her for the first time.

Jack looks at her steadily. Fear, mistrust, recognition and realization. He turns away. Gibbs joins him.

He turns to me and grins widely.I tilt my head questioningly.He opens his hand wide to hug me as I accept.We stay like that for and he turns his head to face my neck trying to kiss it.I laugh awkwardly and push him away showing my marriage ring.

"We've come to rescue you!" Elizabeth changes to conversation

"Have you now? That's a good one. Very kind of you.But it would seem as I possess a ship, and you don't, you're the ones in need of rescuing and I'm not sure as I'm in the mood."

"I see my ship, right there." Barbossa says indicating to the Black Pearl

"Actually I was the one giving orders and the crew actually obeyed me so-"

"Of course,darling.Can't spot it. Must be a tiny little thing hiding somewhere behind the Pearl." Jack says

Me,Barbossa and Jack are ready to pull out a fight but will stepped into the middle. Breaking the fight as I walk away.


We are explaining the entire plan to Jack but the only problem is we should've got a spy for the East India Trading Company so we knew their plans.

"Elena,darling,if you dearly beloved Admiral joins the plan then we have one if not..."

"On it." I say ready to write to James as the others smile triumphantly

As I return Jack and Barbossa are seen copying each other.

"You're not going to fight with a bunch of drunk members are you?" Elizabeth questioned

"Of course not." I say as I going them
What are you doing?

"Trim that sail! Slack windward brace and sheet! Haul that pennant line!...Trim that sail! Slack windward brace and sheet! Haul that pennant line!...Trim that sail! Slack windward brace
and sheet! Haul that pennant line!" We each repeat one at a time

"What are you doing?...What are you doing? ... What are you doing?" We each repeat about a thousand times until Jack stopped

"The Captain gives orders on a ship."

"The captain is giving orders." Barbossa argues

"My ship makes me Captain!" I shout back

"Your dear Norrington find out about you fighting with men he's going to say u turned pirate and leave you,darling." Jack say as I gasp and slap him

"They be my charts!"

"What are you talking about without me you would have been dead if I didn't say about the Brethren Court!" I shout angrily

"STOW IT!THE THREE OF YA!THAT'S AND ORDER!" Pintel stands his ground

Barbossa,Jack and I look at each other and stare at Pintel,too incredulous to respond.He raises his hands and apologises.I leave annoyed.I go down below deck to get something to drink but instead of a barrel of water I see Elizabeth with her head in her hands.I approach and remove her hands as she looks up at me.She's been crying.She stares at me.I smile trying to get her to smile two but she just starts to cry again.I frown.


"Elena...I feel bad now...Jack..." she admits

"It's done with now.You cannot go back to the past.You must understand that the past is gone now."

She looks at me and nodds as she leabs in to hug me.

"You smell good." She says

"Are you drunk?" I say stepping back

"I'm joking!" She says smiling

Sometimes I think she has the cute smile ever.

"So I smell terrible." I say pretending to be offended

"Elena!" She says pulling me back to hug her as she felt lonely

The Admiral And His belovedWhere stories live. Discover now