Oh no...

313 5 7



I sank against the locker. What had I done...? I began to sob, putting my head in my arms. 

Terrible friend.

That was what I was. A message pinged on my phone. I had a temptation to throw it at the wall. I opened my phone. It was from Lizzie.

-Lizzie-                                                                                             -You-

is everything okk? Me and Joel decided to skip :/


what? y?

                                                                                             Just ask Scott.


I put down my phone. Lizzie would know through Scott, then so would Joel. Then the Suns would know through Fwhip and Sausage. I threw my phone down and wiped tears off my face. Picking up my phone, I ran out of school and to home.

I tried to open the door silently. I closed it gently. Unlucky. My mum was already there and waiting. She held up my ace flag I had put under my bed. "What's this? One of those flags for freaks who think they-

"Give. That. Back." I snarled. I leaped up to grab it, but she held it up.

"Tell me why this was under your bed." She growled at me.

"Because I'm ace." I said. "And Bi." 

"Oh, those people who think it's okay to date people of the same gender-"

"THEY DON'T THINK IT'S OKAY! BECAUSE IT IS!" I screamed, throwing myself up to grab the ace flag. She held me back by my shirt collar. I struggled, gasping.  She took a pair of scissors and sliced it in half.

"NOOO!" I screamed, writhing in her grip. She cut it even more, then threw me to the ground with the scraps of fabric. I held them in my hands, feeling I had lost a part of myself. I remembered my dad giving it to me, telling me to be whoever I wanted. Before he died. 

"Leave." My mother said.


"LEAVE!" She bellowed. 

I ran to my room, shoving clothes in my bag. I took nearly everything that was essential, like my wallet with the money I had saved up with Scott doing Llama rides for kids in the summer-

Those memories were almost painful now. Tears ran down my face as I packed the things I needed, like a blanket.

The one Lizzie gave to me for my birthday.

A pillow.

The one Scott had knitted for me.

A jacket.

The one Joel and Lizzie had brought after I lost mine.

I threw everything in my bag, and took the penknife from the bathroom, as an afterthought. I headed to Lizzie's. Not Scott's, he wouldn't want me.

I knocked on the door and Lizzie answered.

"Hi, Lizzie please I need-"

"Get out." She said. " I heard from Scott. Go away."




"You're a terrible friend." She whispered. "Go away."

I stepped off her porch and walked off. I had a numbness in my head. I couldn't go to anyone else. With a pang of sadness, I slumped down onto the pavement and began to cry.


465 words. Now, I kinda want you guys to decide sooo...

Comment if the figure should be Sausage, to fix their friend ship, or Katherine.

Probably gonna pick Katherine if no one comments to.

An ESMP Highschool AU: Imperiya High (OLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant