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♡~Requested by Adrienetteshipper777~♡

"You're toxic!"
He yelled from behind the bars
"All you ever do is make things worse!"
As much as she hated to admit it, she actually felt hurt by his words, she was about to say something back when she felt a tear run down her cheek. She was more shocked than anything, this wasn't her. She quickly wiped it away but it was too late. Xavier had saw. He looked a mixture of confused and....guilt?

She couldn't believe how much emotion she was showing just because of this boys words. The last time she cried was when Thing almost died, but never over somthing like this.
He said, stepping towards her
She mumbled as she started to turn away.
"Wednesday wait-"
He called after her
She was at the doorframe ready to leave when he said,
"Wednesday, please. If I weren't in this goddamn cell I'd run after you."
He said the last bit frustrated while messing with his chains.

She turned to face him.
"I'm sorry.. I just.. I'm frustrated I'm locked up in here and didn't do anything.. I'm frustrated that while I've been falsely accused you've been kissing Galpin.. I-"
"I get it."
She cut him off
"Why are you upset that I kissed Tyler?"
"Because, Wednesday.. I really like you. I'm not sure why but I really do. And seeing you with Galpin was probably the hardest thing ever."
"You... like.. me?"
"Yes. I do."
He chuckled slightly as he said it

She stepped closer to the bars.
"Well you don't have to worry about me liking Tyler anymore."
He put his hand on top of the one she had resting on the bar.
"I'm glad."
Before ethier knew what was happening they both started leaning in, the next thing they knew their lips met in a soft kiss. Not even a minute later Thing came in,
She pulled away.
"We've got to go. I got expelled and Weems only gave me a few minutes."
"You got expelled? What'd you do?"
"Tazed Tyler."
He smiled at that.
"That's my girl."
She felt a smile tugging at her lips.
"I'm sorry for getting you trapped in here. If you can ever get out, come visit."
He smiled again
"Will do."
And with that she left.

"And with that she left

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Wednesday And Xavier ~ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now