•Xaviers dorm•

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Xavier had texted her to come to his dorm. She got there and knocked
"Hey gorgeous"
He said walking over to her
She felt her heart speed up as she slightly smiled at the name
"So did you need me for somthing?"
"Not necessarily.. I just wanted to see you. Without everyone in our business."
"Good idea."
"So you got insta?"
He said grabbing her hand and leading her to his bed
"Unfortunately.. Enid made me."
"Ah, well I followed you back
He smiled
"Gee thanks."
"You're welcome. You wanna watch somthing?"
"Sure. A horror movie?"
He chuckled
A couple hours later they finished the movie and Wednesday had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder, their fingers still interlaced. When she had woken up a little while later she saw Xavier looking at her
"You have a nice nap?"
"It was quite pleasant. I find horror movies to be relaxing."
"Huh. Ok then"
"I should probably get going."
"Ah parting is such sweet sorrow!"
He said dramatically
She rolled her eyes.
"Bye princess"
He said kissing her hand
"Ew don't call me that."
"You can just be my little goth princess"
He winked
"Bye Xavier."
She was back in her dorm talking to Enid when they both got a notification at the same time; a Instagram one.

"~~~She was back in her dorm talking to Enid when they both got a notification at the same time; a Instagram one

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She's one of the best things I have 🖤
Tagged: @WednesdayAddams

Wednesday felt a small smile tug at her lips. He obviously took that when she was sleeping.
"Awwwwwww Wens!"
Enid said
"Enid, make this more than it is and I will break your jaw so you can't sqeal ever again."
She said softly
"You're smiling!"
She didn't even realize it and she was.
She said out loud this time
"I'm so happy for you Wens."
Enid looking at her
"How is he doing this to me?"
"Love can make you crazy."
"Wednesday you can't tell me you two don't love each other. I've seen the way you look at him. I've seen the way he looks at you."
Did she love him?
Enid walked over and sat down next to her
"Its alright Wens."
Enid said knowing that realizing all this couldn't have been easy for her.
"Will I be ok though? I mean when I'm with him I feel like my heart will explode."
"Completely normal. I promise."
Enid put her arm around her and they talked for a couple more hours.

Wednesday And Xavier ~ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now