•Outcast Appreciation Day•

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Wednesday asked
"Its not like I want to! Weems is making us!"
"What if we switch?"
"You want to be with Yoko?"
"More than Ajax."
"Its fine Wens."
Today was the first ever Outcast Appreciation Day.
Weems partnered up everyone up and all the groups had to go to town and "bond" wich Wednesday had no desire to bond with Ajax. However, she was greatful that they got assigned Crackstones Crypt to hang around at.
Wednesday, Enid, Ajax and Xavier all met up in the court yard.
"Hey gorgeous"
Xavier said
She said
"What's wrong?"
He said
"Who'd you get?"
She said looking over at Enid and Ajax being all lovey-dovey.
"Could be worse."
He said
"Who'd you get?"
"The new girl."
"She better not try anything."
She said clenching her jaw
"Are you jealous?"
He said smirking
"Mhm.. well just know I only have eyes for you."
He said kissing her forehead
Ajax walked over to Wednesday.
"Ready Wens?"
"Don't try anything."
Xavier said
"Dude, I like Enid."
"Let's go."
She said
"Bye princess."
"So how's everything with you and Xav?"
He said
"Fine. When are you gonna ask Enid out?"
"I was thinking soon actually."
Two hours later Wednesday and Ajax had mainly talked about their favorite serial killers and baseball. She was pacing back and forth explaining to Ajax why Ted Bundy was the best serial killer when she put her hand down on the wall as she felt her head sink back.
"What do you see in her?"
"She's better than you in every single way possibe!"
She saw Alex pining Xavier up on a wall
"We'll see about that."
"What do you mean?"
"How tough is this little girl of yours?"
"Tougher than you."
"Sure.. we'll see how strong your she is when I get my hands on her."
"Shed knock you out in a second."
"We'll see."
She said pulling out a gun
She woke up in Ajaxs arms.
"You alright?"
"Yes. Fine."
"What did you see?"
"Xavier is in danger. We have to go."
They ran to the location of her vision, which happened to be in the forest.
Wednesday slowed down and signaled for Ajax to do as well.
"Y'know you could do way better than her..."
Wednesday clenched her jaw.
"No I couldn't. She's the best person to ever live. There is no one better."
Ajax looked at her, then back at the two
"Then I guess she'll have to find someone better."
She said aiming the gun at him
"Say goodbye Xavier..."
She loaded it as Wednesday ran up behind her and pushed her down making her shoot Wednesday in the side.
She heard both Xavier and Ajaxs concerned voices
"Untie him."
She said to Ajax
As he was working on the ropes she stood up and looked at the body lying before her.
She must've hit her head pretty hard.
Then she started to move.
Wednesday took the gun out of her hand and pointed it at her.
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
"Do it then."
"You have until the count of three to get away from this school and never come back... 1...2..."
Wednesday slightly smirked as she stepped closer.
She said kicking her in the nose.
"You bitch!"
She said holding her face
"Want me to shoot you instead?"
"You little-"
"Get out of Jericho. And don't come back."
"Fine. All you pepole disgust me anyways!"
She said as she ran off
Wednesday walked over to Xavier and Ajax
Xavier said
"Hey are you alright?"
Ajax said looking at her side.
"Yes. I'm fine. Go tell Weems what happened."
She said as Ajax nodded before running off towards the school
"Wens, I thought we agreed no more harming yourself in the process of saving me any more."
"I never agreed to that."
"Well maybe you should"
"No thanks."
"I'm proud of you though. That was completely badass and you just made me fall in love with you all over again."
"You've seen me fight Crackstone before.. why is this more shocking?"
"Its not. I felt the same way when you fought Crackstone. I just didn't have the guts to say it."
"I love you too Xavier."
He took her hand as they walked back to the school.

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