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♡~Requested by the amazing TheFandomWeirdo~♡

Wednesday had been dreading today.
Tyler was getting out of the mental hospital after being let go from jail a year ago.

She heard and opened the door to let in the tall boy
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
He said
Tyler had reached out to Wednesday a week ago and asked if they could meet up to talk over some stuff. She said she would if Xavier came.
"I'm sure."
He took her hand as the walked to the Wethervane where they were meeting.

The two sat in one side of a booth and waited for Tyler to get there.
A few minutes later they saw him come in. Both their breaths hitched at the sight of the boy. She looked at Xavier just as he looked at her. She squeezed his hand as Tyler sat down across from them.

Tyler said
She said
Xavier chose to stay quiet and Tyler chose not to acknowledge him.
"Listen Wednesday, I just wanted to tell you.. I'm a lot better now. I promise. And I'm so sorry about everything last year. But mainly I wanted to say.."
He paused.
"Spit it out."
She snapped
"I really like you."
Xavier squeezed Wednesday's hand harder as he clenched his jaw.
"And I always have. Even when Laurel was controlling me. I-"
She cut him off
"You never liked me. You used me. You kept me around to make me feel special just to bring Crackstone back."
"No! Wednesday, that was all Laurels idea! I did want to be more than friends with you."
He reached out and touched her hand. She immediately pulled it back.

"I don't care. Even if you did truly like me, even though I'm still not sure about that, it doesn't matter. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I wouldn'ttrade for the world. And you need to get over yourself and find someone else."
She said as she held up her and Xaviers interlaced fingers that had been resting under the table.

Tyler was speeches and Xavier smirked at his expression.

"I-I wish you two the b-best."
He stuttered before getting up and storming out.

After he had left Xavier turned to the girl.
"I wouldn't trade you for the world ethier."
He kissed her forehead as she smiled and leaned her head on his chest.
"I love you, Wens."
He whispered
"I love you too, Xavier."
"I'm glad you chose me."
"I'll always choose you."
"Me too darling."
He said kissing her again
"Until my last breath. "

Wednesday And Xavier ~ OneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum