•Parents Weekend•

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It was parents weekend. Xaviers dad had told him he wouldn't be able to make it. Big surprise there. So Wednesday had offered for him to spend the day with her.
"I don't know Wens.."
He said
"Xav it'll be fine. You'll get the chance to meet my parents anyway."
"Fine. Your lucky I love you."
He said rolling his eyes
"I am."
A few hours later her parents arrived.
"Wednesday, my darling! How have you been?"
Tish said as Wednesday approached them
"Hello my little Death Trap!"
Gomez said as he kissed the top of her head
"Hi sis"
Pugsley said
"Family. There is someone I would like you to meet.."
She turned around and grabbed his hand
"This is my... boyfriend. Xavier Thorpe."
"Oh! Well that's wonderful darling! Morticia Addams sweetheart."
She said
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Addams."
He said
"Well I don't know how you manage her"
Gomez said laughing
"But I'm Gomez. Welcome to the family."
"Thank you sir."
"Xavier Thorpe? Like Vincent Thorpe?"
Pugsley said
"Yeah. That's my dad."
Xavier said forcing a smile
"Cool! I'm a big fan of his work!"
"So your sister mentioned."
He said looking at her
"Let's go sit down."
She said
"Well I suppose we should get going since you didn't want us staying the weekend."
Morticia said
"Goodbye my little storm cloud!"
Gomez said hugging Wednesday
"Bye sis"
Pugsley said hugging her for a minute
She said in a warning tone
"Goodbye darling"
Tish said
"And he's a good one. Don't let him go."
She whispered
"I didn't plan on it."
"Goodbye Xavier hon."
She said hugging him
"Bye Mrs. Addams, I was nice meeting you."
"You too honey."
She smiled before getting in the car. The two watched as the car drove off
"Their very kind."
Xavier said turning to her
"They can be.."
She said
"You wanna go on a little date to celebrate me being welcome in your family?"
"They would've been happy with anyone. Just to see that I've been getting more 'social' here."
"Fine. You're lucky I love you."
"I am."
He said taking her hand

Wednesday And Xavier ~ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now