•A date•

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Knock knock.
"That must be him!!"
Enid said as she ran to get the door
Wednesday was going on a date.
She had on a black turtle neck with a sleeveless black and white checkerd sweater over it along with black fish net tights with a black skirt over.
She said in her sing-song voice
"I'm coming!"
Wednesday said as she put I few more things in her bag and when she came out of the bathroom he was waiting in the hall
"Bye you two!"
Enid said as she shut the door behind them
He smiled
She blinked
"You look amazing Wens"
"You don't look too bad yourself."
He was wearing a red hoodie and Jeans with his hair down
"Do you mind telling me where we're going?"
She said when they started walking
"You'll see."
"I didn't know you had a car"
She said a few minutes later when they were getting in
"Got it over the break"
She nodded
They started driving and about 30 minutes later they stopped outside Jerichos Café
She said
"Xavier... you really shouldn't have.."
"I know."
"The most fancy restaurant in Jericho?"
"You deserve it"
She felt heat rush to her cheeks again.
He chuckled seeing her
"You coming?"
He said getting out and she had just realized she had been zoned out for the past 5 minutes
"Yea sorry"
She got out and they started walking up to the door
As they got set down she noticed him staring at her
She said
"What is it?"
"You're just.. so fucking beautiful"
She smiled
How the hell is he doing this to her?
He scooted closer to her and she felt her heart beat speed up and.... a knot in her stomach? Enid said its called 'butterflies'? Doesn't make any sense sense because you can't have butterflies in your stomach.. but apparently she did. Although they felt a little too intense to be butterflies, more like... bats. Normally she would have scooted away from him but she didn't.
"And you're smile is even more beautiful."
And there went her heart again. Beating out of her chest
"You do things to me Xavier Thrope."
"Do I?"
He chuckled
"I'm not sure how but you do."
"Show me."
She grabbed his hand which made the bats get even bigger and put it over her chest to feel her heart.
"Damn Wens."
"You do things to me too Wednesday Addams."
He took her hand and put it on his heart. It was going faster then hers.
She said
He took her hand off his chest but didn't let go of it.
"You know Xavier, I never really got the chance to really apologize for everything last semester. You were completely right. You did nothing wrong but I did nothing in return but suspect you. And then got you sent to jail. I'm sorry."
"Wednesday, thank you. I really appreciate it. And I have some things to apologize about too. Starting with when I said 'what's to like?' About you because literally everything to do with you I like. And then there's the stuff I said in the cell.. I'm just sorry about everything."
"You like me?"
"Um obviously! I thought I couldn't have made it more obvious last semester! I painted you, tried to impress you.. so yes Wednesday I do like you, very much."
"I like you very much too Xavier."
He smiled and squeezed her hand gently. Making her stomach do a backflip.
"Ready to go?"
He said
They got in the car and as they started driving he grabbed one of her hands and interlaced thier fingers.
They got back to nevermore a little while later and he walked her up to her dorm.
"Goodnight Wens"
He said
"Goodnight Xavier."
She walked in to see Enid waiting on her bed
"Omg your back! How was it?"
She said as she jumped up
"It was... good."
She said half smiling
"Awww you two would be so cute together!"
She squealed
"Not so loud you're going to make my eardrums bleed."
"Sorry! But seriously I'm happy for you Wens. I've never seen you so happy with someone."
"Thank you Enid."

Wednesday And Xavier ~ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now