Chapter 4: The day when Dramatic storylines punch Percy in the face

Start from the beginning

"Only if Tempest gives me the eye!,"

"No!," Tempest screeched. "You had it yesterday!,"

"But I'm driving, you old hag!,"

"Excuses! Turn! That was your turn!,"

The three sisters were fighting for real now, slapping each other as Anger tried to grab at Wasp's face and Wasp tried to grab at Tempest's.

Finally Anger, who had the advantage of sight, managed to yank the tooth out of Wasp's mouth. This made Wasp so mad she swerved yelling, "'Ivit back! 'Ivit back!,"

I finally decided to interrupt before things got out of hand and acting as unsuspecting as I could, I said "I've been told you 3 are very wise, what information can you tell me? Or was it just a lie?," I smiled slyly. 

"We do know things!," The sisters said in unison.

"Every street in Manhattan!'' Anger boasted, still hitting her sister. 

"The capital of Nepal!" Tempest shouted. 

"The answer you seek!," Wasp added, but Tempest covered her mouth and Anger screeched. I stuck a finger into my ears. It was so loud, that it made Wasp accidentally hit the accelerator. 

The car started to pick up speed and Tempest's back hit the car seat, making the eye pop out of her eye socket, bounce on a window, and land into my hand. It's just like the scene in the sea of monsters I thought as I raised the slimy eyeball (ignoring the grossness of it) and held it so that if I squished it hard enough, it would explode. 

"I have your eye!," I exclaimed and smiled coyly. "But... unless you tell me the answer I seek..." I Impersonated Wasp's voice. "Then I guess I will just have to squash it." I put more pressure on the eye.

"NO!," The Grey sisters yelled. "Fine, we'll tell you." Anger agreed begrudgingly. I produced a pencil and a piece of paper from my bag as they started to recite. 

"Daughter of the thief, who does not belong,

Will choose to be on the side of evil, or prove them wrong.

From start to finish she shall complete,

All the 5 main books from her 3 favourite series,

Or fail to do what was right, and be stuck here for eternity."

About a moment or two after I scribbled down the message and the grey sisters had kicked me out of their car. I guess being cooped inside a smoke made taxi really takes a toll on your legs because when I tumbled out of the car, they gave out—making me slip on the wet grass. 

Should I mention that they dropped me off at the very edge of half blood hill while it was raining? 

I slid down the hill and by the time I reached the bottom, my clothes were soaked with precipitation. When I regained feeling in my legs, I stood up and was greeted by 2 bright lights in the distance, 2 very familiar bright lights and I realized. Those must be the headlights of Gabe's Camaro! I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid and summoned my sword when I saw the large black figure trailing behind it.   

I was about to run over there to decapitate the big baddie when a bolt of lightning zapped the Camaro and it exploded before skidding a few yards away. I forgot all about the Minotaur and ran to where most of the remnants of the car lay.

 I searched the area until I heard a faint "Ow!," and a woman's voice calling worriedly "Percy!," I sighed in relief and shouted over the sound of pouring rain. "Grover! Percy! Mrs. Jackson!,"

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