Chapter 3: "Do you think does socks could fit me?,"

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Chapter three: "Do you think does socks could fit me?,"

Y/N POV: After I had gotten used to being inside the book, it had gotten a lot easier to accept the fact that I was inside the book. The rest of the school year went by without a hitch and followed the storyline. I was glad to have a break from the drama, but I knew it was just getting started. Today was the day before the finals, and the day that Percy overhears the conversation between Grover and Chiron about the summer solstice deadline. I thought I would sneak off at about the same time Percy does as to not seem suspicious, but it backfired and I got dragged into Chiron's office by Grover. 

I didn't really listen to the conversation (because I waiting to hear the thump! Of a mythology textbook dropping onto the floor) when Chiron called my name. "Y/N, what do you think we should do?," With my eyes still glued to the door, I replied. "How about you give me all the ways to contact Mrs. Jackson, where she lives and other stuff like places where she might be so I can contact her about Percy's...predicament." I motioned my hands suggestively and they nodded, knowing full well about Percy maybe being a child of the big 3.  Grover and Chiron went back to their conversation but as Chiron was about to finish his sentence... we hear a thump! Sound and I use an excuse to leave.

But a few minutes after I entered my dorm room, I got a visit from someone unexpected...


Annabeth POV: It was about 2 hours after nightfall and I was sure all my cabin mates where asleep so I decided to IM (Iris message) Y/N. I knew that girl since we were young, and I know for sure that she would still be up. I took a drachma, a glass cup and filled it up with water, a piece of paper, a mirror and a flashlight with tape covering some areas (to manipulate the light). I put the glass of water on top of my desk and positioned the mirror (which I taped onto the piece of paper) so that if I pointed the flashlight at an angle, the light would go through the cup and onto the mirror—making the rainbow.

(A/N: Don't believe me? Search up 'how to make a rainbow at home optical illusion' and you'll find the picture)

"Oh Iris, Goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering." I tossed the coin into the rainbow. "Y/N L/N, Yancy academy, New York." My h/c (hair colour) haired friend came into view with a flabbergasted expression on her face. I guess she didn't expect a visit from her best friend from camp (though we are as close and act as sisters).

"Annabeth chase?," Y/N said, though it sounded like a question. 

"Yep, that's me. Y/N, you feeling okay?," My brain started to churn and twist, trying to figure out what had happened to her on the mission. 

"Oh I'm fine, I just hit my head when I accidentally fell from the stairs today. My mind is a mush and I've seemed to have misplaced a few of my memories. It's temporary though so don't worry about it. Could you give me a brief recap of how I got to camp and stuff about my life?," Y/N replied, and almost all of my suspiciousness evaporated.

"Well...," I started. "Your name is Y/N L/N. Your dad is Hermes but your a legacy of Athena— my mom—as well. Your mortal parent is M/N L/N (mom's name) who is the CEO of the company L/N enterprises. She's worked with multiple company's before like Google, Amazon and Dare enterprises etc. You were running away from some monsters when you met Thalia grace, me, and Luke castellan—who is your half brother. Together with with a saytr named Grover underwood we make it to camp, but Thaila..." I paused and changed the subject. Your charm bracelet is a family heirloom passed down to the demigods that's been in your family by Athena that can turn into a series of weapons. Ring a bell?," The girl stood their wide-eyed and nodded, though I could sense a little bit of uneasiness from her, but I didn't pry.

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