Chapter 4: The day when Dramatic storylines punch Percy in the face

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Chapter four: The day when Dramatic storylines punch Percy in the face

Y/N POV: This is it. This is the day when the plot becomes to form. And the day when dramatic storylines punch Percy in the face. I add. Grover told me that he had no qualms about keeping Percy alive, because he had booked the same Greyhound ticket as Percy did so Grover said I could return to camp and that he would follow shortly. 

When the day started, I took my time. Waking up late, groggily packed my stuff, taking a longer time saying goodbye to Grover and Percy, even buying 2 doughnuts at Tim Hortons and making sure that I took small bites every time. 

Why did I do this? Because I was trying to buy time.

 I wanted to be there to witness Percy beat up the Minotaur and maybe I'd make use of myself and help carry Grover back to camp or maybe beat up the Minotaur for him. That way, maybe Percy wouldn't have to suffer as much, and see his mom 'die.' 

But that didn't stop me from being aggravated. I wanted to get to camp as soon as possible. I tried to wait a little longer, but I snapped. 

All the annoyance and aggravation was then replaced by excitement. I was about to summon the grey sisters. 

But in all seriousness, wouldn't any other Rick Riordan fan be excited too? 

Anyway, I didn't want to hail a normal taxi because if I really was a demigod, then I would attract monsters. And I really did not want to pay for someone's life insurance if they got hurt during the process of me trying to slice off the monster's limbs.

 I fasten my backpack strap and recalled the proper incantation. "Stêthi, ô hárma diabolês!," (Stop! Oh chariot of damnation) I yelled.

 My Ancient Greek wasn't the best, but it was decent enough. I've been learning it since the Mrs. Dodds accident. I fished a drachma from my pocket (I opened the backpack that was inside the book bag and it was full of ambrosia, money, drachmas, etc.) and threw it onto the asphalt. 

The drachma sank right through and disappeared. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, just where the coin had fallen, the ground darkened. It melted into a rectangular pool about the size of a parking space—bubbling red liquid like blood. Then, a car erupted from the ooze. 

It was just like how I pictured it. The car was a taxi, but it wasn't yellow. It was as if it was woven out of grey smoke, like you could walk right through it. As I stood in front of it, I noticed that there were words printed on the door—The Grey Sisters.

The passenger window rolled down, and an old woman stuck her head out. She had a mop of grizzled hair covering her eyes, and she spoke in a weird mumbling way. "Passage? Passage?," "One to Camp Half-Blood, Long Island New York." I replied and climbed into the car, where I put on my black chain seatbelt. But as we sped up a highway, (to my annoyance) the 3 began arguing. 

The middle one screeched, "Look out! Go left!'' 

"Well, if you'd give me the eye, Tempest, I could see that!," the driver complained.

"Wasp!," The third lady said to the driver. "Give me the girl's coin! I want to bite it."

"You bit it last time, Anger!," said the driver, whose name must've been Wasp.

"It's my turn!,"

"Is not!," Yelled the one called Anger.

The middle one—Tempest—screamed in a very unflattering way. "Red light!,"

"Brake!," Yelled Anger. Wasp floored the accelerator and rode up on the kerb, screeching  something unidentified. 

"Give me the tooth!," Anger tried to grab at Wasp's mouth, but Wasp slapped her hand away.

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