Chapter 41-45

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41 Buying Things

At half past seven, when Madam Liu brought the brats home, Old man Wang was making a new bamboo fence with his sons.

“Father! Grandfather! Uncle, Third Uncle!” Ah Yu saw them from afar and shouted happily.

When they heard the sound, they looked up and smiled when they saw Little Ah Yu.

Their daughter was still the best. She even greeted them when she returned home. Those brats never greet anyone when they come home.

Madam Feng and Madam Ma were cleaning up in the house. When they heard the commotion outside, they smiled.

As expected, the addition of a girl at home was different. Everyone was much happier.Please visit 𝐟𝓇𝒆𝐞w𝐞𝙗𝓷o𝘷𝐞𝒍. c𝐨𝒎

Wang Wulang could not hold it in anymore. As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he shouted excitedly, “We caught pheasants! There are three of them!”

As he spoke, Liu Shi had already put down the basket. Her basket was not too big, and she could barely fit three pheasants in it. On the surface were the wild vegetables she had dug.

It was just spring, so there were not many wild vegetables, and they did not grow tall. However, with all the wild vegetables added together, they could still cook a large pot.

The Wang Family could no longer be bothered to look at the wild vegetables. They were all staring at Liu Shi’s basket. When they saw Liu Shi take out the pheasants from the basket, their eyes widened.

“It’s really pheasants?!” Wang Chuanman ran up in big strides and picked up the nearest pheasant. He weighed it in his hand and said happily, “This pheasant weighs two catties.”

Compared to domestic chickens, pheasants usually only weighed two to three catties each, especially since they had just survived winter. It was already not bad for a pheasant to weigh two catties.

Old man Wang was also especially happy. His family had just received the food distributed by the Imperial Court, but no one could bear to eat it. They basically all split a portion and used it as grain seeds.

Compared to ordinary grain seeds, the effect of these seeds was naturally much worse. However, they had no choice now and could only use it reluctantly.

“How did you catch the pheasants? Did you find the pheasants’ nest?”

Wang Dalang was very excited. He was 16 years old this year and still had the heart of a child. However, because of his responsibility as the eldest of the grandchildren, he could not follow the rest to play.

Speaking of this, Wang Wulang was extremely excited.

“It’s a long story. We originally planned to look for Fourth Aunt, but on the way, a pheasant suddenly flew out. We quickly went to catch it.”

At this point, Wang Wulang kept them in suspense. “Guess how we caught three pheasants?”

“How did you catch them? Didn’t you catch them with your hands? Oh, did you set up a trap?” Wang Sanlang was also especially curious.

In the past, after farming, they would also go out to catch pheasants. However, out of 10 trips, it was already not bad if they could catch any pheasants in one trip.

The pheasants were especially agile and very difficult to catch. Unlike wild hares, which at least walked on the ground, the pheasants would fly after being frightened. They did not have wings, so how could they catch up?

“This is all thanks to our Ah Yu!” Wang Wulang opened his hands especially exaggeratedly. “You don’t know this, but when we went to catch that pheasant, Ah Yu and the little lamb caught two! Isn’t that especially magical?”

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