Chapter 21: Building Walls

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My eyes flutter open.

Slowly at first, the dawn's gracious hue gracing my blurred vision. I blink a few times, clearing the image I see. A wall of windows with half-drawn sunshades, and a pretty bronze light filtering through. Bright and beautiful. That is what I see.

That and a beautiful man with porcelain skin and shaggy locks of snow. He stands over by the wall of windows, his chest bare as a pair of gray sweats hang from his hips. And I smile, stretching.

He must hear me because he turns, his eyes meeting mine, then approaches, speaking softly. "Sorry. I was just coming back. Did I wake you?" He reaches the bed and kneels down, coming almost face-level with me. His eyes look so warm.

I smile, cuffing the side of his face. "No. I didn't even know you got out of bed." I push up, sit, then shoot him a suspicious look. "You were in this bed, right?"

He smiles. "Yes, all night."

I look at him, observing his features. They are as they have always been. Young and full of naïve youth, adorned with scars and scratches. Deep scarlet eyes that gleam in the light, so beautiful and rare. So familiar and known to me, but through all this familiarity, I notice something else.

I reach out, gently stroking my thumb along his cheek. "Were you able to sleep?"

He nods. "Yes"

I lift a brow. "For more than four hours?"

"Yes," he chuckles, taking my hand. He presses his scarred lips to my palm. "This is the most rested I have felt for months." Those eyes lock on mine. "Thank you."

I smile, but deep down, I break a little hearing that. All those times of me looking into his tired eyes, I never imagined just how exhausted he truly felt. I thought maybe he was just lacking an hour or two of sleep every few nights but hearing him say this – knowing what I know now – I am aware that he was missing far more than a single hour or two. It's more likely he was running on an hour or two of sleep if anything else.

I lean over and peck his lips with mine. "No need to thank me. If you ever need help sleeping, just let me know and I'll do what I can."

"Thank you." There is a certain light that beams in his eyes. One that I can't recall seeing any time before. Bright and radiant. Then, he stands, speaking calmly. "Before either of us heads out, I figured I should tell you this. Compress called this morning with an update on the Nakamura twins."

I have already started to climb out of the bed by this point, but still look up at him. "Really? What did he say?"

I shimmy into my discarded shorts from last night, his eyes observing me briefly before meeting my stare. He shrugs, nonchalant. "He said that they had been spotted on the property."

"Woah. Really? Do you think they might be trying to rejoin the PLF?"

If I'm being honest, I doubt that's their intent. I might not know those two very well, but there is no questioning where their loyalty lies. I doubt they would suddenly change that, even with how long they've now been away.

Tomura shrugs again. "Can't say. No one really knows what those two are thinking, but they have Compress nervous."

I knit my brows. "Why? We don't know what they want, and even if they wanted to stir trouble, it's two of them versus hundreds of us."

That last bit might be a tad too optimistic, but at the same time, I'm not entirely wrong. Even with the members against the League, most still do as he says because of Re-Destro. All but Akihiko and Asahi.

Her Forgotten ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now